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Run, run, run girl.

The walls shouted her. Her legs started to give up but she couldn't let them. It wasn't the time for that. Minutes passed and she kept on running until she smeelled air, fresh air and heard water. She was almost there.

There was a opening in the wall and she squeezed herself through it. She was in a cave, still under the ground, it seemed like she was under a mountain. Big rocks and as she walked to find the water she passed a once throne hall which was only dust and some memories now. As she looked up she saw a skeleton hanging from the roof. It could have been for years, the dust settled on it. As quiet as possible she continued walking and finally found the small river which ended in a pond, like it was some sort of pool in the rocks.

She tried to make some light, as much she could use her power a few stars formed in her hand to light the way. But when she stepped closer to the pond she noticed a girl in the water, wearing a white dress and floating head up. The girl wasn't moving, but didn't seem dead either. Neera slowly lowered herself in the water and pulled the little girl out. Her body wasn't completely cold, neither warm. Hear heartbeat was slow and she must have been in the water for some time now.

Hating herself that she couldn't make warm she tried rubbing the little girl's hands.

"Wake up please, be strong." Neera said.

the cold wind blew into the cave where they were and she couldn't do anything. Only her hope lived the the child will wake up and not die. She also knew that if she stays longer there the guarsd will eventually find her and take her back. Left with no choice she scooped up the small girl and started to carry her out of the cave. She followed the wind outside.

The fresh air hit her like a hurricane, she haven't felt it for so long she forgot what it felt like. The child was still unconconcious. Neera's legs were aching for the plus weight she had to carry, but there was no way she'd left her there.

She didn't know where to go. Only remembered her mother's words echoing from the past "Go north and you'll be home". She never knew her mother, these were just the words which echoed back from the walls. Only her magic kept them there and when she was old enough to note it in her mind, the words disappeared and she had nothing left from her mother.

"North it is then.." but that was a long round there, she had to cross Dawn and Day Court to get to north.

The night started to fall and she needed warmth and a shelter. The woods were the only option. When she felt safe enough Neera carefully put down the little girl and started to collect any dry brences she could find hoping that she can light them up with the small amount of her power she could controll.

The stars were with her this time and after a few tried the wood lit up and gave them warm for the night.

NeeraWhere stories live. Discover now