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(tw: mentions of trauma, sad thoughts)

I woke up with only one thing on my mind. Fred.

His gorgeous ginger locks, his hair was longer which made some strands fall in front of his face. Perfectly framing his strong jaw and cheekbones. His freckles like paint splatters, across his cheeks.

The feeling of his lips on mine was magical. The tension I felt between my legs last night was indescribable. His thumb stroking my hip. His soft pecks. His everything.

God, I wont get any work done today if I keep laying in bed, daydreaming about that certain ginger.

I get up and do my usual morning routine. Daisy is softly humming on my shoulder while I prepare myself some breakfast.

I'm wearing a short, periwinkle skirt and a white top. It's pretty warm today and seeing as I have some heavy lifting to do, I want to be comfortable.

I skip downstairs, humming a soft tune. I left Daisy in her cot today because I will be moving around a lot and I don't want to accidentally hurt her.

I just started moving around some boxes in the backroom, that I'm using for storage, when I hear a knock on the door.

While walking to the front, I put my hair into a ponytail, leaving a few strands to frame my face. I realize I'm not wearing any make up, but I don't mind. I like my face natural too.

I open the door and my heart flutters when I come face to face with a dark blue AC/DC T-shirt. I look up to meet those pretty, hazel eyes and smile.

"Hi" I say, hoping I don't sound pathetic.

"Hi" Fred says in a soft tone. A very different attitude from last night.

"Come in"

He walks past me and I shut the door. He's looking around, but not much has changed since he last came here, yesterday afternoon. He turns back to me before speaking.

"Last night, you said you had a lot of work. So, I came to ask if you wanted any help?"

"Oh" I say, surprised he remembered "It's alright, I'm sure you have more fun things to do."

I was always raised to be nice to people and somehow that manifested in me being unable to except help, even when it's offered by a handsome Wizard.

"Nonsense, I don't mind. Besides, I'm sure you'll need my strong arms to help you with those heavy boxes." he says, confidently.

"Well, alright then" I chuckle at his narcissism.

I lead him to the storage room and he starts picking up the heavy boxes with extra books and puts them where I ask him to. I'm walking around, making note of how many books I have for each title.

We start a small conversation. Getting to know each other better, with normal questions (contrary to last night). I learned his favorite color is orange and his favorite flowers are Sunflowers. He asked about my ideas for the bookshop and he gave me some tips about managing customers and money.

It felt good talking to him, he makes it so easy. He never makes me feel like I'm rambling or saying nonsense. He makes me laugh a lot, with his (mostly bad) jokes.

Lunch was coming around and I was getting pretty hungry.

"It's almost noon, I was going to make a quick lunch. You hungry?" I ask Fred, who was just drinking some lemonade, I keep in the fridge downstairs.

"Starving" he grins, his left cheek has a small dimple. Adorable.

"Perfect," I smile "follow me."

I lead him to the stairs and we walk up to my flat in comfortable silence. I open the door and walk in, looking back to see his reaction. I'm not sure why, but I want him to like it.

"Make yourself at home" I say, walking to the kitchen to start an easy pasta salad.

I notice him walking around and staring at everything intently. I don't turn to him, just observing out of the corner of my eye. I'm chopping up some cucumber when Fred speaks up.

"This place is great! It's so much nicer than our flat. Lighter and cleaner too"

"Thank you. I still want to add some more decorations. Photo's and paintings. But I haven't had the time with the work I have in the shop."

"Still, it feels homely."

Fred walks up to me and steals a cherry tomato I was cutting. I swat at his hand, but I was too late. He chuckles at my annoyed expression and I can't help but smile too.

"Is there anything you don't like? It's just pasta with some vegetables and chicken. Nothing special."

"I'm not a picky eater. It sounds great, can I help with anything?"

"Not really, but if you could give Daisy some food, that would be great."


"She's in her cot on my nightstand. Just through that door, the food is there too." I say, while pointing to my bedroom.

He smiles and walks away. I hear him entering my room and I'm grateful I somewhat cleaned it this morning.


The flat just screams Phaedra. Its bright colors and the large windows. The flowers that where placed everywhere, giving the place a sweet smell.

I walk into her bedroom and it makes my heart beat faster. I notice Daisy, next to the large bed. Walking over to her, I take in my surroundings. I'm still wearing my shoes, so I try not to step on the rug next to the bed.

I give Daisy some rubs and she purrs in content. Giving her some food and smiling down at her, my mind starts turning.

I really like Phaedra, she's soft and bubbly. Something I crave after the darkness of the War. She doesn't seem to know anything about that and part of me wants to keep it that way. She's so kind and certainly doesn't need my trauma weighing her down.

The other part of me is screaming to let her in. That she can make everything better. Just kissing her last night made the pain and the nightmares a little more bearable. I can't get the feeling of her skin on mine out of my head. Her hands were so soft and me made feel a thousand different things.

I wish I could put those feelings in a tiny bottle. Keep them in my pocket, for when the dark days come.

There's so much I want. But for now I would settle for her lips on mine, again.

I would prefer a fairytale - f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now