Hope and disappointment

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Hey guys I am so sorry for the long wait but as I said I've run out of ideas.
This was a request by @mack_102
Thank you all so much for the fast response and of course the request it is greatly appreciated.
You guys are also more than welcome to message me your ideas instead of commenting them if you guys would prefer to do that.

Dick: 13
Jason: 11
Damian: 1

Y/N P.O.V.

I'm currently sitting on the bathroom floor hyperventilating.

Why? You may ask

Because I just took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Thats why.

Now don't get me wrong it's not that I don't want the baby or anything, I'm just scared of how Bruce will react to the news. I mean we already have four kids and a dog.

How am I going to tell him?


I've decided to tell all of my boys at dinner tonight.

I'm really nervous...

What if they don't want the baby.

What if they end up hating me...


I guess I won't know unless I tell them.
Dinner time rolled around and Alfred started the process of rangeling our boys.

"Mistress Y/N are you quite alright? You seem nervous." Alfred asked me softly.

"Yes Alfred I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind thats all." I answered as the boys joined us at the table. I received a kiss on the forehead from Bruce before he sat in the seat beside me.

We had a normal dinner, well as normal as it can be in this house, before I decided to make my announcement.

"OK boys, I have something that I need to tell you guys." I took a a deep breathe. "I'm pregnant." I said softly. I watched their reactions carefully. All of the boys minus Damian obviously looked shocked and Bruce had an unreadable expression on his face.

Dickie was the first to snap out of his shock. He squealed and pounced on me making me giggle. His brothers soon joined their big brothers' example. I looked at Bruce and found him now smirking smugly. I snorted softly and giggled again.

Six months of excited kids, back pain and cravings came to a sudden stop at my appointment at the doctor.

I had miscarried the baby. I sobbed softly into Bruce's shoulder as Alfred drove us home. Neither of them looked like they were handling it well either. When we got home I realized that we woul have to tell the boys that they would not be receiving a younger Sibling. I whimpered softly.

Bruce said he would tell the kids while I go take a shower.

When I got out of the shower I found all five of my boys and Ace cuddled on our bed. I smiled softly as I joined them and was instantly cuddled by as many as that could reach me.

I was still heartbroken but I still had my family. My boys and thats all that mattered.

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