14. Suspicions

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Alex woke up to three missed calls and multiple messages from none other than: Leroy.

Rolling over onto his side, he lazily reached for his phone that was sat on top of his bedside table.

Leroy: Where are you?

Leroy: We have a meeting, Alex! What do you think you're playing at?

Leroy: Alex, it's urgent.

Alex frowned in confusion, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sat up against his headboard to have a better look at his managers angry messages. He definitely did not remember the mention of a meeting for that day and the fact that Leroy stated it as 'urgent' concerned him.

However, it also didn't surprise Alex that he had forgotten about the mention of a meeting defined as 'urgent'. Although he had been hiding it well from the others, Alex had spent the last couple days drinking himself blind.

Sometimes he drunk to escape his thoughts about Erika; he had found himself having thoughts and desires about the night he had spent at her house more frequently, considering the possibility's of what would have happened if Leroy hadn't of interrupted the intimate moment between the two. Other times, he drunk to be able to feel not guilty about the thoughts he was having about her; he simply drunk to have more thoughts about her, sometimes even taking it a step further and enjoying himself with his dark desires.

He quickly got dressed for the day and messaged Leroy back to see where he was supposed to be meeting him and the rest of the band. He got a reply almost immediately, making him think that the rest were patiently waiting and begun to rush so that they wouldn't be waiting even longer.

Oh, how wrong he was.

As he opened the door to the studio he was met with silence. He turned from the door handle with the idea that he'd be met with five angry faces, but to his surprise he was only met with one:

"Took your time," Leroy spat, looking to his watch. "Oh," he chuckled as he looked up at Alex's face, "has Alex not even done his precious hair?" he pouted. "Don't look so 'badass' now, eh?"

"Where's the others?" Alex questioned, ignoring Leroy's remarks.

"Come sit," Leroy demanded, pointing to the sofa across from his chair.

Alex stared at him through furrowed brows for a moment before doing as he was told. "Now what?" he asked.

"Now, you're gonna stay away from my fucking girlfriend," Leroy answered with a scarily calm tone.

"You're kidding, right?" Alex chuckled, shaking his head. Leroy's serious expression clearly wasn't joking. "You're honestly that worried that she'll leave you for me that you call a fake meeting to get me alone?" he continued to laugh.

"I don't trust you, Turner," he stated.

"Clearly don't trust her either," Alex challenged.

"I don't trust you, Turner," he repeated.

"Get a grip," Alex spat. "I'm not after your fucking girlfriend."

"Really?" Leroy frowned sarcastically, unconvinced, "because the way you two were the other night there proves otherwise."

"We had a few drinks and were having a laugh with one another," Alex said. "Me and Erika are friends. I'm not going to shut her off because of your own insecurities."

"What were you even doing by showing up at her place anyway?" Leroy asked, ignoring Alex's previous statement. Alex opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted swiftly. "You know what? save your shit," he spat, pointing his finger. "I don't want to hear your bullshit lies."

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