Mango Cheese can't stop blushing

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So, there's some questions for y'all, ready to answer them?

Percy: Sure.

Magnus: No.

Sadie: Yesss!

Ok, let's get started, To Percy, @hamidwuvmairi asks: How does it feel to be an actual SON OF POSEIDON?!

Percy: *chuckles* It feels good, you know? I like the ocean (duh), my dad's an awesome dad, sure he's not really a father but he's chilled back. Sometimes though being a son of Poseidon is hard, always being attacked by monsters and people *cough Jason cough* always makes jokes like, you could've killed me if there was an ocean near by, sheesh I can kill you without one, but I'm not like that so...

Annabeth: He gets very offensive when people say that, if I were you I wouldn't make that comment and trust me I'm a child of Athena, that would be a very wise decision.

Ok, next question To Magnus @hamidwuvmairi asks: You won't be able to have children, how do you feel?

Magnus: Um, well I would've liked some kids if I were alive but since I'm dead I guess, idk

Alex: That's not answering the question Maggie

Magnus: I'm thinking! Gosh, let me think

Alex: *smirks* So I prevent you from thinking, eh

Magnus: *blushes* I didn't mean like that!

Alex: *with a smug smile* Are you sure about that?

Magnus: *blushes harder* No, I mean yes! Of course that's what I mean, wait I didn't mean like that, ugh! You're confusing me!

Alex: *batting eyelashes* Of course, I know I'm the reason you're such an idiot, it's kind of romantic

Magnus: *turns crimson* Um...

Alex: Okay, enough of that! Answer the question!

Magnus: Huh? Oh, yeah! Um, so I guess I feel kind of bummed, I would like to see a mini Alex, or a mini me running around.

Alex: *blushes* What?

Magnus: *realizes what he said and blushes but still smirks* You said to tell them how I feel so there you go!

Alex: Hmm, sounds reasonable okay I guess I won't kill you for that

Magnus: *gulps* Great!

Ok, next question To Alex @hamidwuvmairi asks: Are you actually dating Mango Cheese?

Alex: Mango Cheese? Is that supposed to be Magnus?

Was: Yeah, it's a fandom thing just answer the question

Alex: Hmm, what if I want to know why you call him Mango Cheese?

Was: *sigh* Fine, we call him that because since Dionysus calls all the demigods by their wrong name we thought he'd call Magnus, Mango Chee- Wait are you stalling?

Alex: What? No! I just wanted to know, continue

Was: That's all, the end of the sentence was Mango Cheese, anyways answer the question

Magnus: *walks back in* Sorry had to pee, what's the next question?

Was: It's for Alex, they asked if she likes-

Alex: *yells* That's none of your business Mango Cheese! I mean Magnus Chase.

Magnus: *with raised eyebrow* Did you just call me Mango Cheese?

Alex: Yes, now give me privacy to answer my question

Magnus: Mhm and where was my privacy?

Alex: I don't know, how about you go find it?

Magnus: *laughs* Okay that was funny but really what's the question?

Alex: It's about me being gender fluid

Magnus: Okay.....

Alex: How my body looks....

Magnus: *face turns red* Okay, so maybe I'll give you some privacy and go look for T.J *slowly walks out*

Alex: *sigh of relief* Don't ever try and tell my business!

Was: Sorry, he asked. And that was a good excuse *nods head in appreciation*

Alex: *glares* Whatever, but to answer your question, no we are not dating but I do *mumbles*

Was: *smirks* What was that?

Alex: *glare intensifies* *mumbles* But I do have a crush on Magnus 

Was: *grinning* Sorry, still didn't catch that what?

Alex: I have a crush on Magnus! Okay, gods of Asgard you're annoying.

Was: I know, it's one of my best qualities :)

On to the next question! To Sadie @hamidwuvmairi asks: What's your fav thing to do in your free time?

Sadie: Finally one for me, I was getting tired of watching them flirt. Okay, hmm I like shopping, dyeing my hair, embarrassing my brother and hanging out with friends.

Carter: When do you not embarrass me? Just sitting beside me in public you embarrass me, I just want to say 'This crazy girl beside me is not my sister' then maybe- OW! Why'd you do that?

Sadie: *punches him in the arm again* Because you're stupid

Carter: And you're not?

Sadie: *blinks in surprise* Touché 

Carter: *grins* Anyways, next question please

Was: Since you asked so nicely:

Ok, next question To Carter @hamidwuvmairi asks: What's every country, state, town, etc. you've been to?

Carter: Wow, um I've been to a lot of places

Sadie: *rolls eyes* We know that, we need specifics

Carter: I've been to London, Egypt, New York, and America?

Sadie: *snorts* Of course America

Carter: Yeah that's all I can recall at the moment

Sadie: Well there you have it!

So, thank you @hamidwuvmairi for all your questions. Thank you guys for answering, anyways ask away! And guys, remember to put who the question is for :) Hope you have a good day/night!- Was

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