19 (1/2)

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I could feel the tension arise, expecially from Gal's end. She immediately took a step ahead, standing in front of me, in a way, to somehow sheild me, but from what? Gal was protective, but in simplistic moments like this, I didn't understand it, especially since I was safe, but was I safe in Gal's mind?

I wouldn't know, Gal was a woman of her own world, she often thought deeply, and most of the time, she kept her thoughts to herself, but in some other instances, Gal would communicate and speak her feelings which I loved.

Cassie was unfazed, but I could have sworn in that moment I saw lingering emotion on her eyes that she so effortlessly shifted away and put on her blank face once again.

Peter looked too happy, and God did I hate that. He had on his gorgeous smile, that he shared with Cassie, but the only difference was, he was the only one smiling.

Though Gal was ahead of me, she still managed to be polite, sometimes I'd forget that Gal was a well known businesswoman whom remained at the public eye, and sometimes I wonder if she'd forget too.

"Dr. Clark, how are you?" My voice was monotone, no matter how much I tried to show glimpses of enthusiasm, it still didn't work, but thankfully, he looked past that and as he answered me right away.

"I'm great, thanks. I was doing some last minute shopping for our next session, where I hope I'll see you there?"

"Probably not" I responded truthfully, shifting my attention on Cassie whom surprisingly already had her attention on me.

Cassie was a woman of confidence, and she used her past experiences as a psychologist to her advantage, she knew how to keep things in control, she knew just exactly how to lure someone in within a single look.

I was dying to have another conversation with her, we shared an intimate kiss not too long ago, and that confused me. I believed for so long, the feelings were one sided, but her behavior and now, the kiss, was proof that it wasn't. I was divided.

Peter was too caught up on me that he didn't even realize Gal stood ahead of me, but once it clicked, he cleared his throat and began introducing himself, as if this was our first conversation.

"Oh! How rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Dr. Clark, a clinical psychologist, and this is my sister, Cassie." He pointed towards Cassie whom still had a blank look on her face, but she still managed to extend her hand out to Gal whom immediately shook it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, especially you Cassie" Gal spoke, a wicked smile on her face as she firmly shook Cassie's hand whom still, looked completely unfazed.

"The pleasure is mine, I've seen a lot of your work before, can't help but be thoroughly impressed by you, Ms. Gadot." Cassie spoke.

Cassie was simply killing Gal with kindness, I could tell that Gal was fuming from within, and it wasn't going to take much longer before she would break, which caused me to intervene before the situation would get real ugly.

"Dr. Clark, it was nice seeing you, but unfortunately I have to get going. It was also nice seeing you too, Ms. Tucker."

"Likewise, Sarah. See you tomorrow in class, and don't be late."

My heart began to exceed in speed, the tension was strong, and quite noticeable, it seemed oh too obvious yet Peter was completely oblivious to it, I watched as he shot me another one of his fantastic smiles before him and Cassie walked off leaving both Gal and I on our own.

I slowly turned around, to face the woman I had been so utterly in love with to look nothing shorter than jealous. It was fucking adorable. I noticed every time she got jealous, she would tend to clench her jaw, somewhat in a way to control herself from acting impulsively, and honestly, I was amused.

"Who is she?"

I couldn't help but try to cover my smile, this was not the time for me to be cracking myself into fits of laughters or even expose a small smile when Gal was enraged from within, but this was my very first time seeing Gal this jealous, and honestly, I wasn't complaining.

"My teacher" I kept my responses short purposefully as I knew it would kill her slowly.... and it did.

Sometimes I was a cold hearted bitch, and at other times I was one for a reason, in this case, I was seeing what I've always wanted to see, yet in reality, Gal and I technically weren't together, she had no right to be jealous and claim me the way she was, and at times, It seems as both of us forget that we're playing a dangerous game with each other's emotions.

I could tell my response surprised her, perhaps, she thought Cassie might've been an old friend, or a new acquaintance, not my high school teacher, but I chose to keep most of my emotions to myself, as I watched Gal slowly crumble.

"It's clear" Gal stated, as if she already made up her mind.

"What is?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"She likes you"

I burst into a fit of laughter, she wasn't entirely wrong, but not entirely right here. That was a bold claim coming from someone like her, but yet I held an innocent look on my face, as I took a step closer, making both her and I merely only inches apart.

Gal bit her lip, looking sideways before snaking her arm around my waist whilst my hand was on top of her chest, I stared into her most loving eyes that were also beaming with other emotions; that jealousy that once rose vanished away once I touched her, she softened before melting on my touch.

"Sarah..." her voice was quite hoarse, yet firm, she was almost indirectly telling me to back away, and I couldn't tell if it was metaphorical or not considering we were both in a very public place, yet all I did was smirk, and pull myself even closer towards her.

"What is it, baby? You don't want anybody even dare to look at me but you?" My voice was soft, and smooth, I could tell she was battling within her own voices inside of her head, I was weakening her, and I knew exactly how to do it.

Gal almost immediately regained her composure, grabbing me by the wrist as she carelessly dragged me out of the store and led us right into her car, slamming me on the back of the door causing me to wince in pain, the sort of pain that I liked, whenever someone I love, especially someone I'm in love with; inflicts it.

The fire in her eyes finally ignited, the composure she held so well finally breaking, but once again, she seemed to forget there could be anyone witnessing what's going on between us, and though she may not have a problem with it; I certainly do.

In order to be more careful, I acted more reckless ironically enough, I pulled her in, placing my lips against hers for a short peck, which stopped the fires burning from within almost right away.

"I feel things with you I've never felt before" Gal whispered. "I've acted foolish, I've done wrong, but I'm done playing games, I'm a grown woman, it's time to act like it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I want you to be mine, Sarah"

A sad smile swept across my face. "The thing is, I've always been yours, but the real question is, have you always been mine?"

"Maybe not in the past, but I'm ready right now. I love you, Sarah, I want you and only you." I could see the passion in her eyes, the passion I've always longed for.

"I wouldn't want to contradict myself, Gal" I started off, laughing at myself as I thought of my harsh venom words that I spat at Gal once I was at her office.

"I think you already did, but I promise to look past that once we end up together."

"Okay then.. ask me out" I started off. "I want you, and I know damn well you want me too, what's the point of messing around? Commit to me, Gal."

For the very first time, I've finally seen what Gal looked like when she was nervous, she bit her lip and placed her attention elsewhere from me, I could sense that she was feeling self conscious, almost afraid that I might reject her, but if only she knew I was so helplessly in love with her and only falling more and more, the only problem is, I have someone else at the back of my mind too.


Taste of Love - (Gal Gadot)Where stories live. Discover now