Ch. 29

502 49 16

(Y'all this is double the size of my normal chapters ✋😭)

The man’s fist slammed into Logan’s stomach. 

He wheezed, feeling all the air be forced from his lungs. 

It had been about two days since he had been forcefully taken from his house. These people didn’t believe him when they told him that he was just some guy. They were absolutely convinced that he was some spy from a different gang, no matter what he said. 

“Listen, kid, I don’t wanna be here anymore than you do.” The man told him, crouching down in front of Logan’s chair. “Just tell me who you work for, and we can both be out of here.”

“I don’t work for anyone.” Logan told him, spitting some blood on the ground. 

The man sighed, standing up. He grabbed a fistful of Logan’s hair, and yanked his head back. “You have to understand, bud.” He forced a tense smile onto his face. “Ms. Ågren doesn’t like it when I come up with no results. So I always deliver.” He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at Logan. “I would really hate it if she ended up being disappointed when she comes to visit today.”  

“I’m sorry, but I really don’t know anything.” Logan told him.

The man punched Logan in the face. “Yes, you do. Why else would you ask about Ms. Ågren, huh? You want info on our boss, and you were using Picani to get it.”

Okay, yes, he had asked about Ms. Ågren, but that’s because he was almost certain that she would be able to help Remus move on.

But, now that he thought about it…

Did he even want Remus to move on anymore? 

His mind drifted back to what they were doing before Ms. Ågren showed up at the door. His heart began beating faster at the mere thought of it. He didn’t think he would ever be in that position, much less with Remus.

Wow, was he really thinking about that while he was tied to a chair and actively being assaulted?

“‘Fess up, kid. I’m not a very patient person.” He told Logan, fishing something out of his pockets.

Logan gulped when he pulled out a pair of brass knuckles. 

“I don’t know anything, I promise! I’m eighteen! Fresh outta high school!” He insisted. 

“Remus was younger than you when he got involved in this type of work.” The man scoffed, putting the brass knuckles on. “That excuse won’t work.”

“I-I just wanted to know about my apartment’s last tenant, I swear!” 

“Why?” The man narrowed his eyes. “Why were you so curious about the dead guy who used to live in your apartment?” He reeled his fist back.

Because it’s haunted!” Logan exclaimed, flinching away from the man. 

The guy blinked, brow slowly furrowing. “What?” He asked, putting his fist down.

Logan felt his heart pounding in his chest. “H-He’s haunting my apartment.” He admitted, cursing himself for giving in. “That’s why I wanted to know more about his life, to help him go to...heaven? Hell? I don’t know.” 

The man opened his mouth to say something.


That wasn’t the man.

Logan looked to the source, finding Ms. Ågren stood there, a brow risen in amusement. “Really, now?” 

“I swear, it’s true!” Logan nodded. “He’s really in there.”

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