What's The Code?

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We get to the entrance of this weird underwater building. I'm scared that there's going to be cameras everywhere even though I'm invisible, Sapphire and Ellie aren't. I swim up and realise that you can see the bubbles that I make with my flippers. I've got to be careful. I swim up to the padlock and see that it has a code. I look back at Ellie and Sapphire; they are looking at the code too but they are all puzzled. I'm going to have to crack this one. I think of the man in black and what he would set it to but I don't know. I turn myself visible so I can point to the code so Ellie and Sapphire can help me, some reason we just don't want to talk. I point to the code and Ellie and Sapphire swim up to it. In the corner of my eye I see a net rushing towards the three of us. I try to shout but it's got us. I try and swim out but we all start sinking. We are all struggling trying to get free, even Sapphire's trying to cut through the net with her teeth.
"Girls? Are you alright?" I hear Simon's worried voice in my ear.
"We are sinking in a net, Simon! We can't get free! Help us!" I shout as the water gets darker and darker.
"Keep calm." Simon sighs.
He wouldn't be calm if he was in our situation, honestly.
Simon continues, "Look up. Is there something holding the net together? If there is undo it."
I look up and see another rope that has tied it together. I reach my hands out of the net and start to untie it as quickly as I can. Sapphire kicks her legs as fast as she can and makes us go back up to where the building is, but she can't keep us there so we start sinking again. Slowly I untie the rope and we all swim free but I take notice of my oxygen tank and we only have 15 minutes left.
"We have 15 minutes left of air." I say to everyone.
"Get into that building. There should be air in there." Simon says.
I'm worried that they are going to fling another net at us so Sapphire and Ellie go back and I go forward while I'm invisible so no-one can see me. I look at the lock and try all the easy ones I know but nothing works. I look at my belt and I see something that looks like a key so I get it out and try to put it in the key hole. I watch the key as it transforms to the key size in the padlock. It unclicks but then quickly clicks again. 'Must have code' flashes up in red. I wish Simon was here to help, he was always cracking my codes in primary school.
"Simon, I need your help cracking this code, please." I ask him nicely, scared that he will say no.
I wait for his reply nervously looking around.
"Try 5455." He replies and I quickly push it in.
Ding. The lock unclicks and the door opens.
"How did you know?" I ask Simon as I swim forward with Ellie and Sapphire.
"It spells kill in number code." Simon sounds worried.
Whoever this guy is, he wants war for our country. War so he can rule. He is a dangerous man.

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