The hunt

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dean and same dropped me off in the back and I hid in the bushes till i heard them go inside. i slid through the back door and peaked inside to see sam and dean taking on three demons two were already shot but now it was fist and knifes because the gun was across the room. the demons were destructed and in the middle of the room was a passed out girl all tied up. I tip toed over and got out a knife. I began cutting her ropes but before untiring her all the way I wispered "Hey shhh wake up." the girls eyes opened "shh"  I was untied her and we snuck out the back "ok, were going to head out to the car honk and leave."
"No we're not,"She said in a sadistic voice. I turned my head as she swung her fist I ducked. Ive seen enough movies to know what to do I guess it comes naturally. Her eyes were black. I knew an exercism dean taught me. He told me to throw salt on her before untiring her I guess I forgot. "omnis-" dodge,cut "immundus spiritus" punch,dodge "omnis santanica" kick,roll "incuriso infernalis" I back
away "legion congregation etc secta diabolical!" I shout. Black smoke comes from her mouth and she falls down. I pick her up and carry her to the car. I sit her in the back on my lap and honk the horn. Dean and Sam come walking out. "Is she dead?" Dean asks while starting the car "No but she's out cold."
"What happened" Sam asked
"forgot to throw salt on her fought while preforming the exersism carried her to the car. blah blah blah are all the demons dead?"
"Yeah" dean smiled
""Wow y/n y- OMG your head bleeding dean get to the hospital stat!"
"No,no I'm fine really just a little cut-"
dean stopped the car. he got out opened my door and told me to take a shot of as he called it jesus juice. After proving I'm fine we went home.

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