ch 1

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Oh, it's so cold. The air feels empty, so does my soul. Perhaps it is better this way. After all, I lead a somewhat unpleasant life. It was dull, dark, and the people in it felt almost as cold as I do now.

Too bad I can't play the piano again. I can't quite describe the exact feeling that overcomes me when I play it. But if I were too, it would come close to a wave washing over you and taking your troubles away.

What a cliche.

I look up at the ceiling, then without notice a head pops out of it. Instead of becoming shocked or scared, I just look up at it in awe. What a strange phenomenon, I must be about to die.

"Oh well, if this is it, I suppose I can't complain."

"Oh, how pitiful you sound," the head speaks with a mocking tone.

"Ah, so it's talking head then. I wonder where my mind came up with such a preposterous idea."

"No my dear. I'm afraid that I am very real," the rest of his body emerges from the ceiling and he lands on the foot of my bed. "Plus I doubt you have the imaginative power to create an illusion as handsome as I am."

My face changes to one of confusion and hatered, aka the "the fuck did you say" face.

But in all honesty, he isn't lying. His appearance is what you'd think met the current standards. He's very tan and even though he is crouching, I can tell that he is tall. His hair is long and black, like a raven. His eyes glow a golden yellow.

His callous smile is nothing to be proud of, but I must compliment him for his choice of wardrobe. It's some kind of designer suit, not that I would know what kind but it just seems to have that "expensive glow".

"Wow, you're so funny..." I say sarcastically as I sit up.

"I know right? One of the many perks of being the Devil," he flaunts his hair, flicking it back and grinning with his eyes closed.

"Nice dude, real nice," I look over at the sheet of paperwork next to my bed that lists all of the medications I'm taking.

Nowhere on it does it say "hallucinogenic side effects", so perhaps I am dying. If not then I am already dead?

"Yup, well the dying part is right!"

I look over at the brazen man sitting at the end of my bed in shock. Did he just read my mind!?

"That would also be a yes, although I am very confused why the mind reading shocks you and not the fact that I'm the Devil."

He jumps up off the bed and walks over to my side. Then, in a very well mannered fashion, he sits down next to me. Meanwhile I just sit here and stare at him with utter confusion.

"Would you mind closing your mouth? It's not like I'm a flying pig."

'Ya, sadly you're more handsome than a flying pig,' is what I would say, but there is no need to build up his clearly huge and fragile igo.

"Well, what is it that you want from me?" I look down at the dull blanket covering the lower half of my body.

He sets his hand on my lap, gently caressing my wrist. I look up into his golden eyes, their ember sparkle glints back at me as his grins. I quickly look away and pull my hand from him.

"What, did I scare you?"

"No, I'm just not a fan of physical touch."

"I'm all too aware of this Evan."

"Okay, so what else are you 'all too aware' of?"

"Everything, and that is why I would like to make a deal with you."

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