Chapter 3- Shadows

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I crept up our gravel walk-way and fumbled through my keys. I did decide to try and stay silent, but between the scrunch of gravel underneath my feet and rustle of plastic shopping bags, I now realise that I've got no chance. So I hop up on to the step and thrust my key in the lock. There's a moments hestitation, and then the door swings in. As I move to step inside, I turn. I'm not sure what made me do it. Maybe I heard something, or perhaps I've just become paranoid after what happened to Zoey, but I check behind me. I take a fast breath in. At the end of our garden, stood right in front of the gate, is the silhouette of a man. I can't see him because the sun's directly behind him, but I know he's looking right at me. Watching. A chill creeps up my spine and up to the base of my neck. I spin around and dart inside my house, my foot pushing the door mat wonkey. I slam the door, forgetting that I'm trying to be stealthy and lean against it panting. I close my eyes, shudderring. "Well. I think you've got some explaining to do." Dad. 

"You snuck out without telling us where you were going. You didn't even leave a note!" Dad had been yelling at me for about half an hour now and I was beginning to get agitated. It never used to be like this. Me and Zoey used to stay out from early morning until well after dark, and Mum and Dad never used to bat an eyelid. But now, well..... "What could make you do such a stupid thing." Mum asks. She's been sat silently until now. Her hands folded primly on her lap, whilst Dad stands before me, hands on hips and red faced.

"Look. I'm sorry but I hate this."

"Hate what?" Dad cries, throwing up his hands.

I feel my anger begin to bubble but I flex my hands and try to stay calm. "I hate being caged in. Not being able to go out any where any more. I hate that I have to leave notes or texts or calls every minute I'm out!"

Mum and Dad are silent a moment. "You know we're only trying to protect you." Mum whispers.

"Yes, I know. But keeping me caged in the house or using my phone like a leash isn't the way to do it. I've already said that I won't stay out after dark. What more do you want?"

"I'll tell you what want." Dad begins. "want a daughter that doesn't sneak out, I want a daughter that tells us where she's going, but most of all I want a daughter that I can trust!" Silence. Absolute silence. I look straight up at him, stare straight into his eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment." I grab my bags and run up the stairs.

"Ashley-" Mum calls. 

"No Becky. let her go." I run down the hallway and slam my bedroom door shut. Dumping my bags, I flop back on my bed. I thought when you reached the age of seventeen, your Dad couldn't make you feel like a child anymore.....

I was wrong.

Goodbye, sis! *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now