Chapter 3: Kobi's Grand Escape! •√•

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!Swear Warning! There's lots- sorry if you're uncomfortable with it! 

'God damn it! I should've known it wasn't going to be that easy to capture Yorokobi! There's reason he hasn't been caught even with so many pro heroes after him.' It's true that Kobi has been a huge help, in fact, he's the reason the crime rate has gone down significantly, but what he does is still considered vigilantism and vigilantism is illegal so Eraser doesn't really have much of a choice when it comes to arresting him.
Eraser would rather not actively try to arrest the vigilante since underground heroes tend to work with vigilantes instead, not that they are many active nowadays.

Eraser was about to chase after Kobi when he noticed something shining on the ground, making him stop right in his tracks.
'Is that what I think it is..? No way he would be this reckless, right?'

Eraser could not believe his eyes.. there it was, the knife Kobi had used to cut through his capture weapon.

Since the vigilante did not have his usual gloves on, it's possible the knife has his fingerprints. Eraser grinned in relief, they would finally have a lead on the cryptic vigilante that is Yorokobi..


'Woah.. Eraser sure wasn't joking when he said the area was completely surrounded. Man, I didn't think they would be this desperate to catch me.." Izuku mumbles as he searches for a way out. He was currently crouched up on a rooftop close to the edge, scanning the place with less police officers so he could make a run for it. Of course, if he just jumped down and ran in plain sight, he would be caught immediately, but that's exactly why he prepared for a number of different scenarios and made himself a bunch of vigilante gear to use.
I mean, he is quirkless after all, he needs any and every single advantage he can get.

So that leads us to what he's currently doing, analyzing the situation and formulating a plan with the least probability of failure.

'Let's see, I could either
1. Recklessly try and take them all head on which would most likely end   up with me in an interrogation room.

2. Pretend to be a civilian who got lost and get out of this unscathed with the risk of them figuring out it was a deception leading them to find out that I am the one and only, Izuku Midoriya.

3. Create a diversion by screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping that they will go and check in some alleyways and completely forget that they were supposed to apprehend me. Very unlikely that it would clear a big chunk of police officers out of the way though.. They'll probably send 1 or 2 rozzers out to check it. 

4. Bluff my way out of custody with a glitter bomb, but having them believe it's a real one and that if they don't let me go, it would result in many casualties. It's not like they know me and my actual intentions. For all they know, it could be true and they would be putting their fellow co-workers' and civilians' life on the line. Only a few heroes know I would do no such thing.

5. Use my glitter bomb which would not cover a lot of area, attract attention to myself and risk my escape from the shadows. The police officers left would probably give me a chase and I'm way too tired to deal with that.

6. Actually put my stealth skills to use and sneak past every single one of them instead of going with the most fun and joyful choice that'll give me something to laugh about. Gotta live up to my name, Yorokobi (joy) somehow. Ehhh...some of them might notice me though, I still need to practice on not making any sound while walking with my shoes on..

Gosh Izuku, stop overthinking so much when you already know you're gonna go for the most ridiculous option!'ll definitely ruin my reputation and the little respect they have for me, but it's gonna be so worth it for their shocked reactions! Especially when they find out it was a logical ruse as Eraser likes to say it! Alright, lez go for it!'

Now Izuku usually avoids swearing,'s not like he has parents waiting at home that have a swear jar or anything for him right? And it's not like he has anyone that cares for him like his mom would. It's not like his mom is here to ban him from eating sweets if the swearing got out of hand sooo.. it's really his choice and he gets to choose when and who the ever living fuck he swears at!

Izuku stands up on the edge of the rooftop in the direction of the police to face them. He inhales a deep breath and yells out,

"Alright fuckers!! Here's the deal! You let me go and I'll consider not blowing this whole place up!"

The rozzers notice him and are about to make a move to capture him when the vigilante yells at them once again,

"And don't even try to make a move on apprehending me! Keep in mind that I'm the one in possession of a bomb right now and not your old lame asses. One move and it would result in multiple casualties, all in a singular moment!" the vigilante intimidates,  playing with said bomb, throwing it up and catching it repeatedly.  

Some of the cops started murmuring amongst themselves while others  stared at him with a shocked expression. Some looked terrified even.

The vigilante tried not to burst into a fit of laughter looking at their staggered faces. He still had to appear confident in what he was saying so they would buy the act and believe that he was, indeed, hella serious bitches!

It had been a couple minutes and our green bean wasn't exactly the most patient soul, so he decided he'll yell at 'em again just in case they were planning something big. He was about to when one of the cops or rather detective- raised his head so Izuku could see his face and spoke, just loud enough for him to hear.

"If you blow up the place Kobi, you'd be dead too, so why would you risk your own life if it meant resisting custody? I find it hard to believe you're throwing your life away just like that. How do we know this isn't just one of your tricks?"

Izuku let out a chuckle,
"Well bold of you to assume I want to live in the first place!"
Everyone there froze. To say they were horrified would be an understatement.

The vigilante, oblivious to their internal shock, continued,
"But no, I'm not that stupid detective. I wouldn't use a bomb if I couldn't even get away from the blast in the first place. And the thing is, no, you don't have any way to know if I'm bluffing my way out of this but if you're willing to find out by risking the lives of everyone here..then..go for it, I guess? You'll get your answer soon.."

The detective sighs, "You're lucky not many heroes are available right now Kobi.." He turns to face the police officers, "Alright everyone, you heard the vigilante, leave him alone for now. I'm sure we'll have another chance at taking him in."
Few murmurs of something along the lines of, "Damn Kobi.." and "Smartass.." could be heard but nobody protested and the vigilante made his grand escape, giggling and hopping across the rooftops, away from the whole commotion, like an excited 5-year old.

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now