Chapter 1

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This time there were 2 different sensations next you lay two warm bodies on your right lay THE Technoblade fasts asleep and the left, You see Schlatt peacefully sleeping with the smell of alcohol on his breath it was calm peaceful even but you had to get up and move your feet for a bit but In the moments you tried to move but with just the slightest bit of movement, they would both move and turn to get closer to you. 

As you attempted once again to move and get up out of the bed so you decided to slowly inch your way to the bottom of the bed and slowly slide off but this wasn't a very smart move on your part both of the bodies quickly jerked up and stared tiredly in at your eyes. In short moments they both turned to stare at each other. 

You could see a little more clearly now both of them were cover in blood techno had a little on his bottom lip while schlatt had some splattered on his clothes, your eyes widened at the site put before you. With a shy smile, you tried to slip away but it did not go as planned, schlatt grabbed your wrists and pulled you back and unaware to you he put handcuffs on you.

As you tried to free yourself of the restraints techno had already begun to pull out a blindfold putting it softly over your eyes, as panic set in and your senses heightened before long you could two sets of hands move along your body one set moves closer to your neck the hot breath from them was chilling on your neck.

The other set began to move down to your waist and move roughly but at the same time gently, the adrenaline you didn't know you had kicked in as both of them start to tease your body making you feel stimulated before both sets of hands stopped all movement silence filled the room.

The silence filled you with panic once again and your heart raced when suddenly warm breath brushed against your ear " Be a good little one..." you knew who this was immediately techno had spoken in such a voice that made you feel more heat come to your face, unknown to you of what schlatt had planned...

You could hear the sound of chains and before long a cold sensation hit your neck before it was replaced with whispered words " Don't be naughty now...kitten" that filled your whole body with heat in that second someone had pulled you in closer softly touching your arm and moving lower.

Someone's hand had begun to play with your lower region and you released a moan you quickly became embarrassed by the sound that just left your mouth and quickly someone grabbed your face roughly and spoke: " Don't hold back now...or you'll need to be punished..."

Quickly without hesitation, you could feel something touch your lips and a husky voice "suck it" you opened your mouth when something was roughly pushed inside you could guess who's it was, schlatt before long another moan escaped your mouth as the other teased your lower region and began to stimulate you even more.

With both doing as they please, you could feel yourself getting close and at that moment both men had stopped all movement, and soon something hard began to push against your entrance and a voice next to your ear "breathe...just breathe" and at that moment they began to push their way inside of you pain rush throughout your body but along with the sense of pleasure.

In that time a loud lewd moan left your lips giving the other man an opportunity to push his member into your mouth and roughly hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag, with both moving at two different paces, your body felt overstimulated but the pleasure is what was sending you over the moon.

At the moment you began to tighten yourself around techno who was and your climaxing they both once again stopped and movement was heard from beside you and above you, they had switched places...

Without warning, schlatt had pushed himself inside moving so rough as you moaned out techno quickly put his member inside your rough, and once again the sensations came back they both moved quickly and as you felt them both twitch inside you, they were both close and so were you.

With more thrusts and moans from all three of you, all gave out one last moan before each of you had climaxed together techno all over your mouth and schlatt between your legs...heavy breaths filled the room you all fell onto the bed exhausted from the time you just had...quickly you got up from the bed after being released from the handcuffs and blindfold both men had already begun to fall back into a peaceful after smirking up at on the other hand left from the bed to go shower and clean yourself up before joining the two in bed once again...

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