Chapter 2

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You argued with techno and in the moments of anger, the words you wish would have never left your mouth did, as he yelled out, even it was quiet it was still heard, "why are you so mad!?" with these moments you lost yourself " what do you mean why!?" the anger bubbling up more as the both of you continue yelling back an forth.

In short, techno grew more pissed before long he gave up and was starting to walk off and as you turned to walk out the door you whispered: "I can't believe I fell for a dumb pig like you..." at that moment you realized you just fucked up, techno turned around and instantly stared down at you "what did you just say?" you began to panic your heart racing as you scanned your mind for what to say.

Without a moment to waste you ran out the door without hesitation techno followed behind, with burning feet you continued to run past the trees and the small stream you techno once sat talking and laughing just having fun, the memories came to you as a smile made its way to your face before it quickly disappeared.

Eventually, your feet gave and you fell to your knees and in the distance, techno called your name with a lace of worry and hunger in his voice "...come out..." he was closer now, you caught your breath and got back up to run for another long awhile in hope's to make it to your special place where you tend to go when you need to think.

In no time techno had caught up to you and had grabbed your arm pushing you up against the nearest tree, both breathing heavy " Ha!... I caught...up to you!..." You held your breath while looking deeply into his eyes and you can something mixed in with the anger, fear, and worries. You could see just a bit of lust take over his eyes " Ha! That's what you think tech!" With a devilish smile across your face.

Without as much of a second to spare you kicked his leg as hard as you could and then pushed him away, once he stumbled back you made a run for it, as you began to run once again no stopping or catching your breath you had it in your head that victory was finally yours but you didn't notice the dark figure approaching behind you...

Techno P.O.V

I turned away for only a moment, this all started because I spent money on them causing them to become angry with me. My heart sank at the sound of their quiet voice growing louder and the crack of it when tears were beginning to form at the corner of their beautiful to turn away in order to go calm down so I can hopefully, talk a bit of sense into them and have them calm down a bit.

when I went to turn away they grew angrier at me but I continued to walk until under their breath though quiet was still heard by me "I can't believe I fell for a dumb pig like you..." my feet stopped, my heart picked up "they...did they just say...they liked me!?" I turned quickly and when I looked at their eyes I seen fear and regret.

Within seconds they had disappeared into the darkness of the forest, I never seen them run so fast before in the times that I've known was kinda funny and cute<3

I continued my chase running past the small stream we once sat talking and laughing just having fun, "Ahhhh memories" I heard a soft yet rough landing and quickly ran towards the sound. "...come out..." Worry and hunger were laced in my voice I was closer now I had to be, I and heard rustling and knew then they were on the move and quickly ran faster than before.

In moments I could see their silhouette in front of me and I reached out and grabbed their arm pushing them up against the nearest tree. Both of us out of breath " Ha!... I caught...up to you!..." I said between breaths, silence before they stared deep into my eyes an spoke "Ha! That's what you think tech!" With a devilish smile across their face.

They kicked my leg and pushed me away running again, I waited a moment letting them believe victory was theirs but I wasn't far behind...

3rd P.O.V

As they both played cat and mouse eventually they would be worn out to the point they could no longer fight back. As techno drew closer he  began to worry if they would ever stop...until the unexpected sound of someone falling and yelling " shit god fucking damn it!!" Techno ran towards the sound where he found his little friend stuck in a hole their ankle looked swollen from what he could see.

With ease techno hoped down and looked at them more before sitting beside them "you wanna talk now?" The other person just sighed " I guess I have no choice but too" there silence between before techno spoke first "sooo  you uhhh fell for me huh"

The other person realized he was trying to make light of the situation before answering " I fell for you as fast as I fell down this damn hole!!" They both had a little laugh and soon techno sighed " I'll do the honor then..." Silence fell again "I'm sorry" that's when techno felt arms wrap around him " me too"

Techno stood up and held out his hand helping them stand before climbing out of the hole and helping them out of it, they started they're journey home but the air around them was different. Techno couldn't hold back anymore as he felt a warm hand grabs and intangle their small fingers with his.

A smile plastered on their faces before they made it home techno stopped and turned towards them, they looked up at him confused " why did yo-" they were cut off at the sudden movement and the feeling of warm lips pressed against theirs once they came to they began to kiss back.

A warmth surged through them both as they headed inside to the bedroom to have some well need fun~~

This took sooo long but I did it finally completed! Hope you guys enjoy! Hopefully it makes some sense it's unedited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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