Chapter 1: The Scorbunny and the twin mysteries.

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The morning sun began to rise to find Galar in its lovely rest. Summer has finally come which means the gym challenges will start this week. As the clock inched closer to 8:45 Gloria woke up to find she was the only soul awake beside the birds singing for their mates and friends. Taking a deep breath she got out of her bed to prepare for today. She and Hop agreed that today would be the day they would go sign up for this year's gym challenge. Finally done putting her clothes on, Gloria headed for the kitchen.

"Do I have time for breakfast?" Gloria asked herself before quickly deciding to make herself and her mother breakfast. Gloria loved to cook, especially for other people, usually her mother. Gloria grabbed all the ingredients for some pancakes, eggs, and Sitrus Berry juice. As Gloria worked on making breakfast, the noise from her cooking had awoken her mother.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" Her mother asked walking out of her room, rubbing her eyes, and yawning.

"Just making breakfast mum, "  Gloria answers just as she finished making both plates. Both sat down to eat, mainly staying quiet for not having much to talk about. While the silence felt awkward it was also nice and a little bit comforting. Before long both finished their plates, Gloria checked her phone quickly to see a new video from the Galar league had been uploaded.

"Here I'll get the dishes hun, thank you for the food," Gloria's mom said before kissing Gloria on the head and starting to wash the dishes. Gloria gave a warm smile before rushing to the living room to watch the video. It started for all to see a battle between Leon and Raihan to start the gym challenge. Before it would start a small presentation from Rose. He is the chairman of Marco Cosmos, which is the main sponsor of the Galar league.

"Welcome all to Galar for its annual Gym challenge, to celebrate the 80 years of this great challenge. Before we have the battle between our strongest trainers I would be proud to tell you all this year will be the one no one will ever forget! Now for the battle, Galar's greatest champion Leon, and the best rival to fight him, the 8th gym leader himself Raihan!" Rose yelled with the cameras moving to focus on the start of the battle. Just as the energy of the battle was ready to hit Gloria, Hop knocked on their door, nearly banging on it.

"I'll get it, Mum!" Gloria yelled rushing over to the door and opening it almost getting hit in the face.

"Oh my! Sorry, Gloria," Hop said fearing he had hit her. That was due to Gloria jumping back and looking like she was recoiling from an accidental punch.

"Don't worry I'm fine, but why are you here so early?" Gloria asked, checking the time to see it was 10:53 am. Before he could answer a cry of the fans could be heard. This caused both to lookup over the main place of origin and quickly looked back at each other.

"LEON IS HERE!!!" Both of them yelled before racing each other to the train station. Yet when the two try to get into Wedgehurst's station, they find it was full of fans trying to get Leon's attention to at least get him to say their name.

"Ok everyone I know you like to see me, but I have something really important to do," Leon told the small crowd before his eyes caught Hop. Who was waving and calling out to him with Gloria right next to him trying to catch her breath.

"Looks like my biggest fans are here," Leon said under his breath and chuckling. Before he could leave the whole crowd cheered for him to do his famous pose. Leon sees everyone wanting this even his brother and his friend is wanting him to do his pose. Leon smirked before grabbing the rim of his hat and doing his pose with it after doing a quick spin. Once the crowd dispersed, Leon ran over and hugged his brother tightly. 

"Big Bro, I've missed you!" Hop yelled while hugging back just as tight as Leon. Gloria couldn't help but giggle which caught Leon's attention, he dropped the hug and rushed over to shake Gloria's hand.

"Hop has told me a lot about you Gloria, thanks for giving my bro some company while I'm gone, Now come on Hop I wanna see Mom!" Leon said before running off with Hop closely behind before surprisingly taking the lead. Gloria followed the two but more taking a stroll than running to watch the Wooloo roll through the fields. Before she could head back inside her house both Hop and Leon called her over, Gloria rushed over to see what was going on.

"I almost forgot that Professor Magnolia wanted to give you two one of these," Leon said before throwing out three pokemon. The grass type Grookey, the fire type Scorbunny, and the water type Sobble. Both Hop and Gloria stood and watched in awe as the three Pokemon played. Before they could pick their Pokemon, Scorbunny runs and jumps into Gloria's arms.

"I guess I picked Scorbunny, " Gloria said, chuckling and holding her starter carefully. Hop looked at the two Pokemon that were left and picked up Grookey.

"Here Sobble you'll come with me," Leon said, putting a hand on the ground to let it run up his arm and rest on his shoulder. Before heading in Leon gave them the Pokeballs for their starter. Just as they just start to relax and pet their new Pokemon they hear a crash and see a Wooloo has broken the fence that closed off the Slumbering Weald. Both nod at each other to go save the Pokemon in danger of other strong Pokemon. The forest was warm, the trees blocked most of the light trying to come in, it didn't help the fog was also covering their sight. The beginning of the forest was still safe with only weak Pokemon running away, but it didn't seem long until they heard a howl of a wolf Pokemon.

"I think I see a clearing Hop, " Gloria said before getting cut off by a wild wolf Pokemon attacking her. Yelping in shock she threw out Scorbunny to let the battle begin.

"Ember Scorbunny!!" Gloria yelled, but the attack just disappeared into the fog which was starting to build up greatly. Gloria stood her ground and kept giving her Pokemon attacks to use but every attack made the fog grow more and more. It got to a point they couldn't see their hands in front of their face and both suddenly passed out.

"Hey, are you two ok?" A young female voice asked, Gloria, blinked her eyes open before seeing the girl. Seeing her face made Gloria's face turn a bright red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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