Chapter 1: A Death Sentence

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Arissa's POV

Oh shit.
Oh shit.
I'm going to be late.

I thought to myself as I zipped down the street towards the place everyone calls 'Hell.'
My thoughts began to jumble together as I burst through the front doors of the building.
Still not stopping until I got to that damned classroom.
"Crap, I'm never going to hear the end of this from Rai..."
I mutter under my breath.
Within seconds, the door of the classroom is so close to me.
There isn't much distance between myself and the door, if I just pick up the pace I can make it in time...
As soon as I reach the door and yank it open, the bell rings.
Signaling the start of the period.
"Miss Hepburn!"
The teacher shouts at me, making me freeze from where I was in the doorway.
"Hi...?" I respond quietly, making some of the students laugh softly.
"You're tardy Miss Hepburn! I expect more from a student like yourself."
I open my mouth to say something, only to close it while seeing Raiden smirking at me from where he sat in the back of the class.
"Go take your seat." Mr.Gray demands.
I walk towards my seat beside Raiden, reluctantly taking it as I notice the smug look on his face.
"'You're tardy Miss Hepburn.'"
The idiot with black hair mocks me, his smile not dropping anytime soon.
" 'I expect more from a student like yourself.' "
He continues to tease, the playfulness in his voice making me want to strangle him even more.
"Shut up Raiden." I point out, a small smile forcing its way onto my face as I try to stay 'serious.'
"Make me." He laughs a little harder, making me get up a bit and crouch beside him, flicking the idiot in the ear.
"I told you to shut up!" I whisper/shout at him, smirking as he lets out a small 'ow' while rubbing his ear with a fake look of betrayal.
" Arissa! Raiden!"
Our teacher shouts at us from the front of the classroom, making everyone stop and stare at us.
"Quit fooling around!"
As soon as Mr.Gray turns around, Raiden turns to me and begins to mock him while I try my best to not laugh too hard again.

Once the period was over I rushed out of the classroom so I wouldn't be trampled on by the other students.
The familiar voice of the perfect person hits my ears, making me instantly smile.
"Luke, hey."
"Want me to walk you to your next class?"
Luke asks, a smile on his face as he stands beside me.
"Oh sure! Let me just say bye to Raisen first!"
A slight look of annoyance appears on Luke's face, but I brush it off and turn towards Raiden who was finally exiting the classroom.
I shout while jumping over to him as he exited the class.
"How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me that." Raiden sends me one of his annoyed/amused expressions, only resulting in making me laugh.
"Come on Ari lets go..."
Luke says from behind me, a hint of venom in his voice as I notice him slightly glaring at Raiden.
"Oh um okay..."
I turn towards Luke before sending Raiden a glance,
"Bye Raiden! See you during the time of eating!"
Raiden forces a small laugh before heading off as well.

*magical time skip to Lunch~ brought to you by le Magic pickles*

Currently standing in line for food.
I cry because it takes so long.
Anyways, once I got my lunch, I began to make my way towards my usual table but a harsh force is pushed against my back.
In which making me drop my plate of food and nearly fall over.
"Watch where you're going Freak."
I tense, the familiar voice of the bastard, known as Mitchell, growls from behind me.
"Ari!" Joseph's voice sounds from a little ways away from me, the sound of his shoes get closer as I try and clean up the area around me.
"You okay?"
He asks, his voice hinting his concern for me being shoved.
"Yea I'm fine..."
I mumble,
"It was nothing..."
"Hey fuck off yea?" Xander's voice snaps from behind me, making me turn to see what was going on.
Mitchell's friend Vincent barks back,
"Why don't you? While you're at it, tell that pathetic excuse of a person to watch where the fuck she's going."
I couldn't see the look on Xander's face, but it didn't seem happy. In fact, Xander seemed to be getting ready for a fight.

As I finish cleaning up, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. It's Raiden, walking through the crowds like he was walking through the Red Sea. People were falling all over themselves to get out of his way, and I knew why. Whenever he got a look like that in his eyes, something would go wrong. Raiden walked over to Vincent, shoved him, then grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him up to the air and hissing,
"Listen up, motherfucker, I don't care how rich you are, or how powerful your dad is, I swear to God if you hurt my friends one more time I will end (eat*) you."
Vincent laughed, and said, "Try."
Raiden just smiled, a thin but cruel smile, then judo-flipped Vincent, slamming him into the ground. He then picked up Vincent, twisting his arm, and grabbing it.

Holy shit...
Due to the way Raiden has Vincent's arm locked that way...
He's going to break his arm!
I shout, instantly standing up and rushing over to him, my hand fisting (ha ha fisting xD) into his shirt and tugging at it repeatedly.
I yell, my movements at pulling him away grew harder.
"Just let go! It's fine!"
He let go of Vincent, tossing him away like a piece of trash. Wait. He then turned to me, and said in a hurt tone, "Are you okay?"
I simply turned away, saying in a quieter voice, "I'm fine...I'm used to it."

The final period bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.
I was so anxious to meet up with everyone that I just ran out of the classroom not even 5 seconds after the bell rang.
I look around, locating Raiden collecting and putting things away from his locker.
"So we're going to meet Xander and Joseph at the courtyard right?"
I ask, walking over to Raiden who was now currently closing up his locker.
"Yea, let's go now."
Raiden responds, tossing his backpack over his shoulder, sending me a quick smile.
I shout, giving a small happy dance while letting out an exasperated sigh,
"You're so slow."
Pointing an accusing finger at him, in return he gives me a weird look before letting out a light laugh.
"You're so weird." Raiden laughs, patting my head lightly as if I'm a child.
"You're mean..." I mumble, pouting a bit while refusing to look at him.
"That's payback for this morning." I can hear the large smile in his face as we continue to the courtyard.
"You deserved bitch." I mutter, pulling my sunglasses onto my face to shield my eyes from the sun.
"No one deserves to get flicked in the ear no matter what the circumstance." Raiden complains for a second before gesturing towards Xander and Joseph who're (ha ha looks like 'whore' xD ) sitting against the fence that lines the courtyard.
"There they are, now come on."
We make our way over to them, watching as they get up and come to us as well.
But then I notice something out of place.
Just as I am about to say something, a bag is pulled over my head while my arms are gripped behind my back.
"Guys this isn't funny!" I shout, trying to break out of whatever was holding me back.
No one answers me, so I struggle some more but the grip on me was too much.
I can't pinpoint what emotion I'm feeling, but it's nothing I ever what to feel again once this is over.
My struggling begins to die down as I start to realize it's hopeless.
That this is probably just one of their games like usual.
Although, this doesn't exactly feel like a game.
My breathing was growing shallow, as the lack of air from being concealed under a bag was starting to get to me.
" can let go now..." I say softly.
The last thing I heard was my name being shouted, before a sharp pain was felt in the side of my head and everything that was already dark went pitch black and I was sucked into a world filled with nothing that made me numb.


Chapter 1 is so fab and serious :D
Expect more of this for later chapters :)

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