Chapter 2: Abduction

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Raiden's POV

I wake up bound by some thick ropes, gagged with duct tape, and blindfolded. I moaned as I tried to get ahold of where I was. But I couldn't even tell what direction I was facing.
I hear something, mostly likely a door opening, and my vision grows a little lighter.
I could hear footsteps, coming to me.
I think I-
Blinding pain shoots through my face as I am punched in the cheekbone. Two more punches followed up. Finally, the gag was torn off, and I heard a voice say, "Who are you?"
I simply spit at where I think the person is. Bad idea.
A foot slams into my face, knocking me back. Since I am tied down to a chair, I am unable to get back up, and I simply lie there for a moment, gasping with pain. The person drags me up, and rips off my blindfold. The person is a old man, probably 50-ish. He is dressed in a fancy uniform, and he takes out his napkin and wipes off my blood on his hands. He then says, "For the sake of everyone you know, what. Is. Your. Name?"
I whisper, "Raiden Day."
He smiles, a thin smile. "Good. We have been watching you for years now, ever since you were young. And now, we found out this. What are your powers?"
My... my what?
"Listen old man, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, about these 'special powers' I have, but I swear to God, I'll-"
"You'll what?" The old man says, smirking. "Kill me? Please. Escape? We're in the middle of nowhere. Hide? We've been tracking you for years, won't be hard to find you. Now shut up and listen."
I angrily adjust myself, and I say, "Look, old man, I-"
My vision changed for a second. Everything was black, except for the outlines of things and people were bathed in full white. Then it transformed back to a normal vision, where the old man simply looked at me with disdain, every detail of his old face screaming scorn.
"Don't try any more tricks, Day. This facility strictly prohibits your powers. If you try any more than that, you'll strain yourself."
I snort in derision, but still paid attention.
"Oh, and one last thing. Do you mind if we," He then proceeds to take out a photo of Arissa and I, laughing it up in 5th grade, "do some experiments on this girl?"
A cold fury grows in my heart until I quietly say, "Listen up, oldie, you can do whatever you want with me, but I swear to God, you will be in a world of hurt, if you lay one finger on her."
The old man just laughs, a long single, terrifying laugh.
"Well, you said it yourself. We can do whatever we want with you. Guards! Prepare him for A26."
Four burly guards rush in, 2 of them pointing their rifles at me while the other 2 start cutting off my bonds. They then drag me to a room that is full of medical instruments, and in the center of it all was a lone table, with restraints. I am brutally shoved onto the table, the restraints locking onto my arms and legs, rendering me immobile.
Needles on mechanical arms moved to get ready to inject me, fluids bubbling inside the needles.
And during it all, the old man simply walked up to me, and said in a deadly voice,
"Let's begin."

Arissa's POV

Everything around me was still dark, but that could either be because of the bag still wrapped around my head or the room being dark.
I need to find a way to get out.
I shift my arms that were behind my back, only to feel a strong tug against my wrists.
"What the..." I whisper to nothing, my eyebrows furrowing together as I try to think of a way to escape from my current position.
The sound of a door opening and closing brings me back to my senses as I tense up due to the oncoming presence of another person. (A/N: Or it's obviously a duck -KN)
"Trying to escape now, are we?" The male (A/N: Mr. Quak - KN) says, his footsteps echoing around the room, making an uneasy feeling spread throughout my stomach.
I don't respond, deciding that staying quiet would be my best option.
That doesn't appear to be in my favor as the bag over my head is harshly torn off.
The dim light in the room highlighting the slight features of the man who stands before me.
I can't bring myself to look up and meet his unwelcoming gaze that burns into my scalp.
In a matter of seconds, the male is kneeling before me and violently grasping my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
"I asked you a question you brat." The man growls at me, his grip on my chin tightening.
"Go to hell." I hiss, spitting onto his cheek out of disgust.
He simply glares at me for a second before letting me go and wiping his cheek clean.
"Well then," His focus returns to me just as he bends down a bit. Grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking my head up, " Arissa," The man hissed at me, " I hope you don't mind if we do a couple tests on your friend here..." He gestures towards the giant screen that appeared behind him. A smug look written across his face.
My eyes widen as I watch Raiden gets punched clear across the face a couple times and then the foot slamming into it.
"Raiden!" I lurch forward towards the tv, the screen now displaying him being dragged into a separate room and strapped onto a table with sickening medical instruments getting ready to operate..
I can't bring myself to stare at the screen any longer. The disturbing feeling of watching Raiden being tested on was not settling well with me.
"There's nothing you can do but watch what we do to him Hepburn. Don't even try to escape. We know all of your possible escape routes. They won't work." The shithead above me says calmly, the small hints of distaste in his voice.
I look down then over my shoulder. Taking notice to the rope binding my ankles together was a bit undone.
I smirk.
They don't know everything.
My fingers tug at the edge of the rope, loosening the binding a bit to slip one of my ankles through the hole of the ropes.
In a second, my leg swings around, catching the guy by surprise and knocking him over and onto his back.
My reflexes on point as I scramble into a hands and knees position, knocking the guy over onto his side before jumping onto his back.
My knee finds itself being slammed into the dip of his mid-back area while my wrists go over his head and wrap around his neck.
The chains connecting my wrists pressing tightly against his throat.
It was so tempting to just yank my arms towards myself at this moment, but I willed myself away from doing so.
"Let him go." I growl, my grip on the chain that connected my wrists tightening around the guys neck.
I dig my knee a little deeper into his back, the satisfying sound of a light cracking, pleases my ears. A smirk growing its way onto my face.
"Or what?" The bastard below me responds, the smirk on my face grew as I pulled a little harder, leaning close to his ear.
"I won't hesitate to remove your head from your body." I growl, the thought of this man's blood pouring out onto the floor feeds a certain dark part of me that I didn't know existed.
"That won't be necessary." A new voice says from the doorway of the room.
My eye dart up to the new person entering the room. All I could make out was his body outline in the dim light, but before I could take a better look at him...With one quick stride, he's right beside me and injecting something into my arm.
"Sweet dreams Hepburn."
Just like that, I was dragged into unconsciousness like before.

Already 3 views and 1 vote 😄
Nice. It's a work in progress!!
xD There you have it, chapter 2 :3
Can't wait till Chapter 3!
Updates every Sunday!!
Night or...evening or day wherever you are in the world! xD
P/S - Rai says 'thanks' too :3

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