something I had to write for school that I kinda like

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"You there?" The voice of my good friend, and co-worker crackles in my helmet.

"Yep, it's," I struggle for the right word, eventually landing on, "beautiful".

My gloved hand reaches out and sweeps through the rich sea water. This is my happy place, the few moments where life stops, and it's just me and the deep blue.

"Do you have enough air to go deeper?" I am snapped out of my trance once again as she speaks.

"Yep," I have about 150 left, that's enough to go up in about ten minutes.

"Great, can you just keep an eye out for anything out of place? Dave was rambling about something being broken yesterday." Frowning, I look around. Nothing seems to be out of place, but I haven't been down here in a while. My area is usually in the coral reefs near our apartment on the sea, and being this far down is a very special occasion for me.

"I can't see anything weird, did he say where it was or what was broken?" I keep my kicks slow so as to not disturb any life, and keep swimming around the jets.

"Nah, just that they were broken, I wouldn't listen to him too much though. He's a little paranoid." I laugh, sorry Dave, but it was very true.

"Oh," her voice is shocked, and I can just imagine her mouth in a little "O".

"What? Anything bad?"

"Well, not really. I just figured out what he was getting at. If you move to the outer edge of the area, you might see a neon green jet?" I do so, and see the tell-tale green.

"Well, it's just got a bit of damage on the outside, but it isn't impacting anything. I can see how the checks missed them.

"Okay, want me to fix it?"

"Nah, it should be okay until tomorrow. We have some people coming in to fix some stuff, and they can fix it too. You coming up now?"

I sigh, I'm not ready to leave.

"Yeah," I say regretfully.

"See you in ten," she laughs.

I'm not sure, just half written books I guess?Where stories live. Discover now