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The man, who's name I had never caught, walked behind the large black and gold marble counter. Everything here seemed dark and rich which was only somewhat new to me.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm here fo..." I tried speaking to a very friendly looking lady with blond hair, who smelled like a field of wild aster flowers, but I quickly closed my mouth when she handed me a piece of paper with a smile.

"Hello there, I'm Donna. Sorry if I scared you," she giggled while covering her mouth with her slender fingers "I've been awaiting your arrival so I already have your class schedule and everything else you need pulled up."

"Thank you Ms. Donna, if you don't mind me asking, are you a precog?" I asked, already feeling comfortable around her.

"Indeed I am! I'm a mind reader too but I rarely use it, it's too draining to tune in to all mental conversations. Especially teenagers." She chuckled, probably recalling a past memory reminding her of the subject.

"Alright well thank you for your help but what room will I be staying in?" I asked while looking at my schedule to see if I could find a room number like at a hotel.

"Oh the buildings are a bit confusing so just show one of your classmates your schedule and they will help you find your room. Also don't worry about your luggage we already have someone bringing your stuff up and if you would like they can unpack it."

"That would actually be really nice if they could, thank you a lot." I smiled kindly at her. I didn't have any problem with people looking through my personal belonging plus it's not like they are one of my classmates.

I walked out of the front office into the still busy hallway. It wasn't a very small school but somehow people picked up on the fact that I was new because I had many quick glances thrown my way but they were only filled with curiosity. I decided to ignore them the best I could by trying to find what my last class of the day (technically my first) would be. My eyes were buried so deep within my schedule that I didn't notice one of the students and we clipped shoulders. Although the student wasn't physically phased by the contact he turned around quickly and bared his teeth like a dog. "Watch where you're going you piece of filth." He snarled at me. At this, a feeling of aggression awakened in me at the blatant disrespect.

I turned around, ignoring the boy, but his hands roughly grabbed my wrist and turned me back around.

"You don't get to walk away, you disrespected an alpha you little mutt. What are you an omega, you smell like a shifter." He asked in clear disgust. My dad always told me that werewolves were very prideful and egotistical (mainly the males) but alphas are on a whole other level and were known to get aggressive.

"I'm sorry but I most certainly will not try to make your ego any bigger by apologizing to a mange filled dog like you. I'd rather become human than be a wolf. My species is the superior being, I could turn into a wolf twice the size of yours." I seethed to him calmly trying my best to not explode into a fit of anger and magic. By now students were edging closer to see what was going on but nobody came to help me.

I yanked my wrist from his grasp and turned to walk a couple steps until I heard a loud bang resonate through the hall. I turned to see the same boy with his body against the wall with one of his hands raised. He looked even more pissed than before as he fell to the ground. He tried to stand to save his pride and reputation. I almost felt bad for him.

"You god's think you're so much better than everybody don't you. Always nettling in things you shouldn't Arsenio!" He shouted into the crowd and spat at the floor. Somebody menacingly stepped forward and my whole body shuttered.

He was the most exquisite man I had ever laid eyes on. Clad in a black silk dress shirt and pants, he was the definition of power. Not only was he ethereal but he radiated power and I could feel it surrounding and nearly overpowering me. I was instantly drawn to him; by the way he prowled over to the injured student, by the way his amber eyes focused in on him, and even though I would like to consider myself not a vain person he had the looks of what I would compare to a god.

Oh wait.

The black wavy hair..... the amber eyes..... Arsenio ........

He is a God.

The god of the afterlife, Arsenio Vitale. Son of the bringer of Life. What is he doing at a highschool? He wasn't in a uniform either...

Arsenio took slow deliberate steps up to the student and grabbed him by the jaw in his one hand. A cold smirk replaced his scowl as he sneered harshly "You dogs never learn your place do you? You already barely even live till 100 and you dare disrespect the person that could cut your lifespan in half?" He laughed menacingly and pulled the students face closer to his "Use my first name again, I dare you." he released his jaw from his grip and at first thought he was walking away from everybody but he was heading straight for me.

Already exhausted with all the confrontation I tried hurrying down the hall but it was of no use. Arsenio had caught up with me very quickly. He was right behind me trailing behind a few steps when I suddenly turned and faced him. I bowed my head in an attempt to make sure I was in no way shape or form a threat to him. I kept my head bowed until I heard a diaphanous trickle of laughter leave his gorgeous lips, unlike the sarcastic way he laughed at the boy earlier. I looked up to see him laughing at me which I responded with a frown gracing my lips, confused as to why my respectfulness was funny.

"Did I bow incorrectly King Vitale?" I asked nervously. I had no idea how to speak to a god.

"No, no you did it perfectly. It's just being here these teenagers don't understand the slightest thing about respect. It was refreshing to know some people have manners." He said now with a friendly but imperious grin that nearly came across as a smirk.

"If you don't mind me asking sir, what are you doing here? You must have more pressing matters than to be at a high school."

"Quite the curious one aren't you?" He inquired amusedly "Well if you keep this our little secret," he leaned in and his breath tickled my neck as he spoke into my ear "I'm on a little mission at the moment to find a very important girl." He backed away and slightly puckered his lips. "Also please call me Arsenio, I think you are the only person I like saying my name."

My cheeks and neck were in flames at his flirtatious antics, but I know how prurient the gods were. I did not want to become a new play thing but at the same time I was drawn to him in the same way a butterfly is drawn to the sweet nectar a flower offers. But when the flower can no longer provide for the butterfly he moves on to the next pretty flower at his disposal.

"Now, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here little lamb?" He grinned at me like the cheshire cat "You can't have that much magic stored in that small body of yours."

I wanted to correct him and tell him that I am 5'10 which was above average. His human form is just about a head taller than me but I wasn't craning my neck up at him. Although I must admit that I am rather lacking in the muscle department.

As I look over him again there is no denying that he is very muscular so I guess to him I'm just a stick next to a log. I huffed in frustration but forgot that Arsenio was right in front of me. I looked up to see him staring at me and his jaw tensed.

"So fucking gorgeous... as always." I heard him mutter under his breath. Although I'm not to sure I heard the last part correctly.

Even though I was unsure about his second statement I was turning red from his compliment that I'm not sure he knew I heard. I continued on my way to try to find my room with Arsenio trailing behind me for whatever reason of his.

"Oh little lamb...." he called to me in a sing-songy voice, quickly catching my attention. I looked up at him in curiosity, waiting for his question. "You never answered my question, what is a sweet little thing like you doing here?" He stared me dead on in the eyes, expecting an answer.

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