The nanny.

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Only a mere few hours into Adrian's slumber did his alarm start ringing, a high pitched irritating ring which caused Adrian to sit up in bed and slap the alarm off angrily before he collapsed onto his pillows once more.

Mr. Pennington has always been a disciplined man, even though he has only had a few hours of sleep he reluctantly crawls out of bed. first things first, he saunters to the bathroom to relieve his aching bladder. He strips his old suit off throwing it in the laundry pile for the cleaner to send out to be laundered. Quickly, he throws some sweats on, grabs his phone then heads out of his room to check in on his boy.

As he briskly walks through the hallway to Koda he checks his phone. 6:05AM the phone clock reads. He hates himself for staying up so late, he hates that he had to stay up so late. Adrian pays little to no attention to the abundance of emails and messages that pop up on his phone screen. The elite man knows that the next 55minutes are for him and only him. Now is not the time for work.

ever so slowly Adrian quietly creeps into the dark room and prowls over to the crib where his snoozing baby lays. Thankful that Koda is still fully dressed and asleep he sneaks away as quietly as he entered.

hurriedly, Adrian makes his way down to the first floor where his in home gym stayed. He quickly made himself some super food, fitness friendly, green smoothie shot. Sticking headphones into his ears he blasted tunes while he took all of his pent up anger and energy out on his gym equipment for the next hour. Adrian dripped with sweat, his heart beat ten to the dozen as his phone alarm sounds out in his ears he began to slow down on his cross fit machine, edging himself slowly to a stop. Jumping off the machine and turning his alarm off, Adrian tried his hardest to resit the urge to collapse onto the floor. He pushed himself to the mini fridge to grab a fresh bottle of water. Shortly after, he strolled back to his room, took a quick, cold shower and primed himself in another fine suit before going to wake his baby.

Once again, Adrian found himself walking down the hallway to check on his boy. the time now nearing 8AM. Its time to wake Koda and get him dressed and fed, ready for the busy day ahead.

Unbeknown to Adrian, Koda has already been awake for half an hour. The poor boy has been sitting up in his crib contemplating all of his sorrowful life decisions that lead him to his current predicament. He continuously went over and over in his mind what he ever done so wrong in his life to get this treatment. The sting in his backside from the days previous beating felt worse than it did yesterday, he was sure he'd never be able to sit or walk comfortably ever again. Feeling all the prominent bruising on his backside and thighs even through his clothes and thick diaper. Koda tried so hard not to use the diaper, unfortunately when he woke up his bladders willpower didn't last as much as his minds. His bladder betrayed him. The boy just about managed to control his tears as Adrian walked into the room.

"Good morning beautiful!" Adrian beamed happily.
Koda startled at the abrupt entry of his captor.
Adrian went straight to let the morning sun into the room, undoing the curtains and pulling up the blinds he turned to look at koda for the first time that morning he could properly see his baby boy.
The immediate hit of bright morning sun light in kodas darkened room made him flinch covering his eyes. koda, also being taken back by Adrian's cheerily burst into his room. This is not the same Adrain he dealt with the day prior.

"How did my boy sleep?" Adrian asks.

carefully, Koda removes his arm from covering his eyes and glares at the happy go lucky man. Refusing to even speak to the horrid man that caused him so much turmoil in such a little time. Not like he could even try with the awfully big pacifier entrapped in his mouth.
Adrian made quick work of collapsing the half of the crib.
In a swift motion he leaned over, unstrapped the pacifier from his mouth and lifted him out of the crib taking him straight to the changing station.
"Oh wow, good job baby! You used your diaper!" Adrian praised as he forced Koda to lay down.
Koda bit the inside of his cheek to prevent an angry outburst. He's humiliated, embarrassed. Why is this sadistic fuck doing this to him!?
"Let's get you cleaned up!" Adrian cooed.
Koda ignored the mans taunts and gritted his teeth. As Adrian unlocked the baby grow Koda closed his eyes, he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. Mortified at the very thought of anyone doing this to another human being.
Fortunately for Koda, Adrian understood. Even though a dark and twisty part of Adrian enjoyed watching kodas humility he understands, he knows it will not last. Making quick work of securing another diaper to Koda he helped the boy jump down off of the changing table.
"Now let's find a nice outfit for you to wear today then we can go eat!" Adrian declares.
Koda felt exposed once more standing in the middle of a babies nursery in nothing but a diaper around his waist. This is ridiculous.
It wasn't long before Adrian pulled out some navy blue, soft cotton shorts and a white and navy striped top. Easily, he slipped them on his boy before taking his hand leading him downstairs for breakfast.
Like the previous meal times, Koda was forced into the high chair, but he was able to feed himself. Delicious pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, Koda devoured every last bite.
The young man felt more curious today, he had a lot of time alone to think through his erratic thoughts. He can not run the first chance he gets, he has decided to weigh out his options, take in as much information he can get. Although Adrian is already trying kodas patience this morning cooing and awing at him pissed him off royally. He feels like Adrian is doing it just to anger him.
"I will be interviewing for your nanny this morning. So I have decided to put you safely in one of the play rooms upstairs. Let's get you settled in there before my meetings start." Adrian informed Koda as he tidied up from breakfast.
Upstrapping Koda from his special high chair Adrian led him to the room he would be spending all morning in.
As the men stepped into the room, it was much similar to the massive daycare style basement. Except a lot smaller, the floor padded with the same foam squares, lots of toys and childish things scattered around every part of the room.
Koda stood in the doors entrance taking everything in. As he is aware he will be alone this morning. This could be an opportunity to gather intel.
He noticed the little small window didn't have a handle on either side, also it seemed tinted for some reason unknown to Koda.
"Right, come in here. I will check in on you hourly and I promise to be done before lunch time. I've put some cartoons on the TV. Have fun baby, daddy will see you soon ok?" Adrian slowly walked past Koda giving his cheek a little stroke as he walked to the door.
Koda stood motionless in the middle of the room. Not knowing what to do.
Before Adrian shut the door he turned around to his baby.
"Oh and there are cameras in here. I will be watching you the whole time. I know it's hard, but do try not to do anything you will regret." Adrian coyly spoke before locking Koda into the small little room.
Adrian walked down the hall into his office to start going through all the applications he has had from caregivers over the last weeks. Ideally, Adrian wanted someone already in place for when Koda got discharged from hospital. Unfortunately no one came near close enough to being efficient and effective to care for Koda in his eyes.
45 minutes into the business man roaming through applications did he narrow his choice down to 5 applicants. He still isn't sure about the five he narrowed it down to. After briefly checking in on Koda who was mindlessly watching cartoons. Adrian began speaking to the applicants over the phone and videos calls. All the females seemed too weak and cuddly for Koda. He knows that Koda will surly walk all over them. But the men, where all too sadistic and uncaring. Was it so hard to find a balance in this day and age?
After another two hours Adrian felt hopeless. He decided to call his security guard and close friend Felix.
"Good morning Sir," a deep menacing voice answered the phone.
"Felix, I hope you are doing well. I need you to do something." Adrian spoke.
After a short silence he continued.
"I need another me to look after Koda. I can not seem to find another me. I want you to find me someone who is in the community, one of my communities. Who doesn't already have any littles. Preferably a man who knows what he's doing. As soon as possible please Felix. You find me the guy I will do the rest." Adrian directed.
"Understood. Anything else?" Felix asked.
"That will be all." Adrian answers.
"I will get back to you by the end of the day Sir." With that Felix hung up.
Adrian knows if anyone can find the right person for him Felix can.
With that in mind, he gets to work replying to emails and chasing his employees up. He'd heard word from his secretary that Matthew was at the office first thing this morning keeping his head down. Adrian had a bad, uneasy feeling. Something did not sit right with the professional man at all. Especially after all that had happened with Matthew the previous evening.
Although, he could not risk going to the office either. He would have to bring his boy. Adrian knew the first chance Koda got to run he would. It was too dangerous for Adrian to wing it.
So, Adrian did what he knew best to do. He spoke to his legal team, he spoke to supporting board and committee members. He started the process to eradicate Matthews place in Adrians business.
The morning ticked away in a flash for Adrian, unfortunately for Koda every single minute felt like an hour.
As lunch time approached Koda was the least happy about being stuffed in a room. He made his thoughts apparent as Adrian put a turkey sandwich with cheesy goldfish treats on his plastic tray in his stupid high chair.
"Oh, wow my little baby does talk." Adrian chuckled at Koda moaning about being cooped up in the room all morning.
Koda resisted the urge to roll his eyes in utter annoyance.
"You said you would show me the rest of the house today." Koda pointed out.
"Yes. And I will. When I am ready and done with work. You can come back upstairs into my office for the afternoon now, if you don't want to play in the play room." Adrian spoke.
Koda huffed once more that is most definitely not what he meant.

It was even worse for Koda in the office. Adrian paid him no attention, there was absolutely no distractions for Koda. He began to realise he would rather sit in the childish play room than stare at some abstract art hung crookedly on the wall opposite the couch. Although he wouldn't be admitting that to Adrian anytime soon.
Just as Adrian began to scold Koda for hanging upside down on the couch his phone started ringing.
It was felix, Adrians security, right hand man guy.
"I have found him. Sent you the file, check it out. I had to pull some strings but it looks promising let me know." Felix informed his boss.
"Thank you Felix." Was all Adrian responded before hanging up.
Eagerly checking his emails for the file.
Quickly, he skimmed through the file.
He couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across his face. Yes. This is the guy. This is who Adrian has been looking for all this time. He needs to act fast. He needs this man here.
Quickly he dials his secretary.
"Amanda! I need you to contact this man I have sent you his file. Contact him. Tell him I am paying for a first class flight here. I want to interview him for a very promising nanny gig. Sweet talk him. Offer him my damn soul if it means he's gunna come here." Adrian demanded urgently.
"Right away sir, yes I see the file. Mr. Maxwell Dawson. I will get to it straight away." The sheepish woman spoke.
Adrian didn't waste time with any pleasantries as he hung up.
Beaming with excitement and anticipation decided to celebrate early.
"Let's go see the rest of the house baby. While you're walking around I will give you three questions to ask. Anything you want as long as it isn't rude." Adrian held the office door open for Koda who looked shocked.
What the fuck has just happened? Koda though confused.
Cautiously he got up and walked out of the room with Adrian. Thinking about the hundreds of questions he now has to narrow down to three.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy. And thank you for your patience! 😜

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