Secret Siren

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Anonymous: I know Crusher has awful singing voice, but try this prompt; Crusher is secretly a syren and his singing can cast spells, that's why he doesn't sing good in public, but he accidentally sings good one day and everyone is enchanted. Blaze and co have to help him save everyone

"OH NO!"

Crusher drove around in panic, eyes frantically looking around to see most of the trucks in the city frozen in a trance, eyes icy blue and dazy. He started to hyperventilate at the sight of them.

He hadn't meant to sing out loud and so well. He'd usually just screech his voice up to the top and shatter everyone's eardrums just so he could sing without casting any spells.

But that say, he was in such a good mood that his voice broke through the facade. He was able to sleep normally the previous night, he was able to win a race without cheating (Blaze and AJ weren't there, obviously), AND he was able to get a kiss from Pickle after the race. He was SO happy that he was beaming, and it made him wanna sing out loud.

A little TOO loud, apparently.

His song echoed all throughout the city, and before he knew it, even Pickle was caught under his spell. The moment Crusher saw the other's eyes turn icy blue and dazy, he had immediately gone into panic mode.

And now, he had no clue how to reverse it.

"What to do, what to do?!" he looked around, trying to find someone, anyone, who wasn't under his spell as he tried to keep his breathing back into a normal pace. "Oh, god, what to do?!"

Suddenly, a familiar horn echoed through the city, along with a couple of cries and shouts of joy. He turned to see his red rival and his driver drive towards the city, with his friends, his team, the Blazing Team, driving after them.

"Oh no..." Crusher gulped. He didn't know whether to be glad that the heroes were here to help fix the mess he made or be afraid about them finding out his little secret.

He had never once told anyone that he was a siren. Never told anyone where he had come from when he came to Axle City a couple of years ago. He had only been 8 back then, but he knew well enough that sirens and land creatures don't really get along well, so he hid himself, disguised into a monster machine, and never touched sea water again.

He never wanted to think of being a siren again. Unfortunately, he knew that his voice was gonna give him away, so he stopped singing properly in public and screeched his voice to the top. Many trucks hated that he sang so terribly, but even when desperate moments come (like the time with Blaze during their singing battle to get the badge), he wouldn't release his siren voice.

Even when his Grammy came to visit. Crusher was very happy to see her again, but even HE was worried how she found him when he left no evidence behind to where he might go. Thankfully, she reassured him that only she knew where he left off, and no one else in the kingdom knew where he was. His secret was safe.

But by the looks of it, it seems that his secret wasn't staying safe for much longer.

Secret Siren (BATMM Siren AU One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now