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"Prythian?" the girl who called herself Celeana said.
He felt a slight pange in his chest, she reminded him of Feyre, just a little more bitchy.
"Yes," he said again "Prythian."
He couldn't do this again he needed to get her out of here.
Here, his home that he let rot away, filled by guilt and pain. He had pushed away everyone including Lucien who had attempted to help him. He instead was wandered the woods of his  once beautiful home. Feyre was happy, and he was not.
He had heard of the child that she carried , and had been filled with such guilt for the pain he had caused her.
He drew himself from his thoughts to see the girl walking away.
She was weird. A red streak, like a star had appeared in the middle of the day, and then a long haired human had appeared in his court for some reason. Not human, he corrected himself. Her ears were pointed, and she had the lithe grace of the fae, just with a stone cold face.
"Where do you think you are going," he called after the girl.
She kept walking, and instead gave him a rude gesture behind her back.
"Bitch," he said quietly to himself.
"That's fire breathing bitch to you," Celeana said still walking away from him.
He caught up to her "Where are you from?"
"From a magical place with unicorns, and unicorn murders," she deadpanned.
"I'm guessing your the unicorn murderer," he replied back, not finding her funny in the slightest.
"Yes,"she said slyly "yes, I. am.

He could feel it, the bond snapping, breaking like a twig in the wind.
"no", he said "no, no, no, no" he fell to his knees.
And then it was gone, just like that, his magic that  was wrapped around around her disappeared, and her with it.
The place Aelin once was, now was empty. Like
she had just been wiped away. Gone.


He stood on a balcony, Feyre in his arms, and smiled contentedly. He was happy, and everything was going to be ok. They looked at the stars, quietly burning bright against the backdrop of black.
And then the sky wasn't black. A red streak like a shooting star, came out of nowhere. He sent his magic out, hoping to catch it, he had never seen a red star. He couldn't though, the star was hot, and angry, but also sad and patient. He let his magic go, he did not want  to find out what it was. Instead of disappearing over the horizon though, it sank into the dark ground below.
He pushed it to the back of his mind, he would tell Azriel to figure out what it was, maybe some of the librarians could help to. But for now, he just enjoyed staring at the stars, and hoping for the best.


She did not like it here. She wanted to kill the shapeshifter, he asked to many questions, but she needed  to get home. She had shit to do, and Rowan would kick her ass if she did not.
She again felt the slight pang in her chest, she shouldn't have lied to him, and now she was in a weird place, with a royally painful pain in the ass Tamlin, as he called himself.
"How did I get here?" she really did not want to ask the question, but her pride need to be put aside if she wanted to get home.
"Your asking me?" Tamlin replied
He doesn't put any effort into anything, she thought.  God she hated this person.
"Helpful," she replied cheerily very helpful.
She kept walking, away from the abounded, not so abounded castle.
Tamlin followed her. He was annoying her by just existing.
"You should stop following me, before I find something to stick in your eye," she said
He ignored her and kept following her.
She kept walking, she didn't know where she was going, but anywhere was better than this weird. They kept walking.
Suddenly Tamlin stopped, Aelin looked back at him confused, but then she realized why, it was no longer spring.

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