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When Az had reported that he could find no suspicious activity happening around Prythian, Rhys dropped it easily. Fine with him, he didn't want to spend precious time searching for something that wasn't there. There was a war brewing on the horizon, and Rhys needed to be ready. Not that he was ready, with the whole deciding to have a baby thing, but whatever. While rhys had easily dropped the shooting star (if you could call it that) the women in the library constantly asked him questions. If he had seen anything unusual flying above the courts? If anyone unusual had showed up? They believed it to be a bad omen, and Az was content to believe that it was a shooting star, but no matter he answered their questions the same every time.
"Nothing new."
"Haven't seen anything out of the ordinary, I'll immediately contact you if I do."
Every time he went down to the library to look at Gwy.... books he got asked the same questions over and over again. But he didn't mind, it at least got him away from Cass and Nesta for a while.

Time seemed to be going slower without Aelin, time creeped on, but she was still missing. They were coming up to the final standing place, and the fire breathing queen was not with them. How would he get people to rally around him without the actual queen, he didn't know, so all he hoped was that she showed up soon.
The first day she was missing he had almost took off into his hawk form to look for her, but where? When Maeve took her he knew she was still on this planet, but now. She had disappeared from directly where she was standing. One second she was there the next gone, like ash that had been blown away by the wind. The only thing he wanted to do was look for her, but she would be absolutely furious if he had let her country fall. So he marched on.
Aelin was being carried somewhere, stupid, petty, weak, so stupid Aelin said over and over again. How could she have not seen it, she was knocked out by some fae bastard, who was probably old enough to be her father. She shouldn't have let her guard down, and she shouldn't be in his position, but here she was. Blindfolded gagged and somewhere that smelled very much like blood.
The male set her down in a chair. Cuffs at the hands and feet, blindfold and gag still on. She tried to gauge where she was by her ears and smell, and she knew for sure that she was somewhere underground. The smell of damp wood and soil melted through the hard paved floors that she had heard Beron's shoes slap on. Yes, she had aloud herself to be captured, but no she would not go out without a fight, and would certainly not let herself die such a insignificant death.
Her blindfold was removed and her guesses had been correct. Instead of focusing all her attention on Beron, the male, she took in her surroundings. 10 ft tall around 12ft wide;underground obviously; there was no sign of the blinding colors of the trees; and indeed blood lined the walls and cells that were carved into the cement. Hmm, even though she was gagged she did have to admit to herself the design of the mans dungeons were very secure. Except for the fact that guards were not posted outside each cell. Escape would be fairly easy if she didn't find something totally unexpected on the outsides of the cement, like a group of assassins, or a dragon.
She finally focused her attention onto Berons's glowering face, obviously mad that he had been ignored for such a long period of time. He roughly grabbed her face and pulled off her gag.
"Finally, I was waiting to see when you would want to hear my beautiful voice."
"Your fae," he stated ignoring her previous statement.
"Well, at least you can see."
Her head was whipped to the side as Beron smacked her in the face.
"Listen here, lying, bitch, you will answer the questions I have, or you will never see the light of day again."
"Your a terrible interrogator, and seeing the light of day again is not on the top of my priority," Aelin said turning her attention again to the walls.
Probably wasn't the best thing to do, given the fact that three hours later she was lying on a slab of rock, bleeding out of multiple wounds that hurt like a bitch. Even though she had been cut, stabbed, burned and bruised by a smiling face bastard that reminded her too much of Cain, she didn't say anything about Terresan, Rowan, or in general anything about her home. The puny fae thought that a small amount of torture would release all of his answers. But he had no idea what she had been through. She had put up with years of worst torture than this and had not broken.
She would not break.
She would not yield.

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