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     He was all you thought about. You didn't like that. The more you want to drift apart from him the more you to come back. 


He's coming back to you. That the truth. He's the one that is technically coming back to you, you just secretly enjoy that. That enjoyment is what disgusts you. 

    The bullet train just took off, just as the clock hit one. Right in front of you is that beautiful woman. She had black silk-like hair that dangled right below her ears. She had blue eyes, not the ones that look like the ocean, but the ones that are dark and full of mystery. She wore a black top tucked into a skirt with a long tan-colored jacket on top. Her legs were filled with scars, but they all looked so graceful like the ones on a tiger's back. The man next to her, her husband, wore a light-colored beanie and dressed for winter. He seemed like the loud punk type of guy, which made the couple exact opposites.

You decide to start a conversation with the two, or else it will be a long two hours of staring into nowhere.

y/n: Thank you very much for helping me get on the train on time!

woman: Oh it's no problem.

y/n: So I assume your guy's stop is at Sendai right? Or are you guys heading north?

Man: Yup! Sendai is where we're headed to.

y/n: Are you guys going to the volleyball tournament there by any chance....? That's where I'm headed.

Woman: Yes, actually.

Man: Yeah, we kinda know the players there you know? Like the guys that are going to be playing and stuff. Like we know like most of the guys there.

The woman nudged him, indicating him to shut his mouth. You knew exactly who they were talking about. Sendai was his hometown, that's why you came here in the first place, but you completely forgot that his friends are going to be here. This is going to be a rough trip. 

y/n: Oh I almost forgot! My name's Y/N nice to meet you, sorry we didn't have a proper introduction...

Woman: Oh it is completely fine, I'm Kiyoko Tanaka, and this is my husband.

man: Ryuunosuke!!! Tanaka of course.

Kiyoko leads out a small laugh. 

Kiyoko: Sorry about that, he gets excited all the time.

You lead out a laugh along with her, you heard about him.

y/n: That's completely fine!

You both laughed together as Ryuunosuke sat there in utter confusion. You talked to them for a while, the whole trip actually. Ryuunosuke apparently was a sports instructor, which made sense because of his fiery attitude. Kiyoko supposedly worked in a sports shop that her sister-in-law held. She invited you to come over sometime, just for company. 

The train came to a halt, and you hurried out of the train, and the Tanakas followed behind you. You were planning on navigating your way around the place and somehow end up at the station, but the station was harder to navigate compared to Tokyo. You turn towards the Tanakas hoping they would guide you once again, and they did. 

You followed them blindly, you guys made your way to the nearest bus station heading towards the Sendai Stadium. Unlike the train ride, you guys ended up not uttering a single word to each other. You stared at your phone the whole time to avoid embarrassment. The bus then came to a halt. Everyone walked out in a single file line near the stadium entrance. 

A big grey, the rectangular building stood there. People were flooding into the building ready for the game to begin. You stared at the building, and as you did your stomach started to fill uneasily. Behind you the Tanakas stood, they stood there even more amazed than you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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