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this story is about the glade comment who you want for endgame


i gasped, as i awoke in a dark looking cage. I couldn't work out where i was all i saw was darkness. The cage was moving, not slowly, at a
worryingly fast pace. I could see boxes and crates surrounding me, i stood up and saw a knife on the top of a box i grabbed it as a feeling of safety. The box julted. I had reached the top...

I sat in the dark corner of the cage, as i heard muffled shouting i couldn't work out what they were saying all i could here was shouting from boys.

There were large doors opening from above me with light shining through but i was still in the shadows.

The box julted again not as much as before all i knew was that a boy jumped in the box. I wasn't sure if he could see me as i was in the corner. The boy was tall, he had long dirty blonde hair that was messy over his face.

he shouted up to the other boys "there's none in here" he shouted slowly walking to the corner i was in.

he turned his back to me so i stood up quickly and pulled him into a head lock with my knife under his throat.

"say one word i will slit your throat" i said in his ear.

I could see his confused and shocked look on his face. "newt? did you find him?" i boy shouted his voice was deep and mysterious.

"newt the sun is blocking our sight, where are you?" i heard another boy say.

I thought this is my time. I slowly walked out from the corner with the boy that is so called 'newt' in a headlock with a knife under his throat.

There was about 50 guys all shouting random stuff like 'oh shit' and 'oh my god' until a louder voice shouted "everyone your gonna scare her be quiet" he had a calm voice with dark skin and ragged clothes.

everyone fell silent until i broke it by saying "someone has 3 seconds to tell me where i am before i slit this french fries throat" i said.

The dark skin guy jumped in the box and he put his hands in front off him as a shield

"okay, calm down greenie" he said
i slowly pushed the blade harder on 'newts' throat

"that's not an answer"

"calm down, calm down your in the glade" he said slowly taking a step towards me cautious as i had his friend with a knife under his throat.

" the hell is the glade" i furrowed my eyebrows

"can you remember anythink?" he asked

"no, why do you think i'm pulling this shit"

"okay give me the knife and i will tell you everything" he said

"who are you?" i said motionless

"i'm Alby, now give me the knife he extends his hand for me to give it to him.

I throw the boy forward and darted my eyes between all of the boys the just the knife and Alby.

"can you give me the knife?" Alby said
i slowly gave him the knife and he placed it on the grass and as he pulled me up to the ground i quickly grabbed another knife and put it in my back pocket as Alby started to talk to me i wasn't listening to a word he said instead i was looking at these huge walks surrounding me.

I was consumed in my own thoughts until i felt a hand grab the knife that i took from the box i turned around and the boy said

"nice try green-bean" he said with a chuckle

"give it back" i said giving him a death glare and he threw it over to another boy

"yall are dicks here" i said

"we know" he said then i felt two people grab both of my arms

"hey! get off me!" i said turning my head round

"calm down love" newt said softly while him and Alby start to drag me.

"don't call me love" i said to him while digging my feet i. the ground so we move slower

"calm down" Alby said

"no get off" i replied next thing i knew was i had been thrown in what they called 'the pit' to me it was just another cage...


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