Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Little Nightmares franchise. All rights go to Tarsier Studios.


Mono came to in complete blackness, blinking rapidly. He was laying down on his back, pressed against something squishy but firm. Pulling himself to a sitting position caused pain to lance through his skull. He moaned, pressing a hand to his forehead. He wasn't entirely sure if he should be relieved that he survived the fall. Once the pain subsided, he took stock of his new environment.

The void stretched on endlessly in every direction. The surface matched the massive wall of flesh that had chased him and Six through the Tower. A pang of sadness flared up in his chest at the thought of his friend. He was deep down in the depths of the Signal Tower now, the belly of the beast. Escape would be difficult, if not impossible. Tears pricked at his eyes again, a well of emotion making him choke up. He drew his knees to his chest, curling into himself. The tendrils of despair encroached on his heart, the gravity of his decision catching up to him.

Something buzzed off in the distance. He didn't notice it at first, more interested in indulging his depressive mindset. He looked up once he did, scanning the area around him. Eventually, he could make out a tiny pinprick of light in the distance. Flickering static. It had to be a TV. His heart fluttered. A TV meant a way out.

He made to stand up, but something latched onto him, pulling him back down. The light winked out, replaced by an emerging wall of flesh and eyeballs. He glanced around frantically, the seething mass converging on him from all sides. His heart pounded wildly against his ribcage, and he began to struggle. But he was only pulled farther into the flesh, sinking deeper into it. It was enveloping him, swallowing him. It wouldn't let him go.

He scrabbled for purchase with his right arm, as the other had already disappeared into the writhing mass. But with all his panicking, it didn't change the inevitable. He realized, with sinking dread, that he was never meant to escape the Tower. It would be easier to just give in. So, he did. The eyes surrounding him were fixated on him, endlessly staring and watching. He allowed it to claim him, succumbing to its will. The flesh closed around his face, and everything went dark.


He jerked awake seemingly moments later, finding himself in an awfully familiar room. Four concrete walls surrounded him, a door situated in the center in front of him. He recognized the eye carved into the wood. He was sat in a wooden chair in the center of the room. A gentle blue light illuminated him, shining from a ceiling too high to see.

He moved to sit at the edge of the chair but found that he couldn't. He was held fast to the seat. A quick investigation revealed the reason why: thick rope bound his wrists tightly together behind the back of the chair. It was part of more rope that circled around his chest, holding him flush to the back of the seat. His legs were also tied to the front legs of the chair. It was designed so that he was completely immobilized, only able to turn his head. Any movement chafed at his bare skin.

The door in front of him creaked closed, slowly, locking once in its frame. There was no handle on this side of it. The light above him returned to its purplish-pink hue. The meaning of it was clear. He was this creature's prisoner, held inside to be used to transmit its corrupting signal. He was trapped, completely and hopelessly. He wondered why the thought didn't immediately send him into a terror-filled spiral. He lowered his head, smiling wanly. It didn't matter. Six was outside and safe (hopefully), far from the clutches of the beast's claws. Silent tears trailed down his cheeks, resigning himself to this horrendous fate. A lifetime of imprisonment and isolation.

The corridor outside his cell wound endlessly through the reconstructed pathways of the Signal Tower. The Squirming Abyss settled, sighing in pleasure. It still had its main component. It was able to continue feasting on this world, growing fat and more powerful. That was its only priority.


Author's Note: Sorry that this chapter is so short. I was also supposed to update this yesterday and I forgot. Oh well, here it is now. I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and the only thing I'm feeling is sore muscles.

I've got an AU in the works and I can't believe no one's thought of it yet.

Praise is appreciated and constructive criticism is encouraged.

See you next time!


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