The Four-legged Man

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Jake was playing video games in the living room with his friend Marco. He sat there playing for a few hours until he heard a noise, but it wasn't a noise that was normal. Jake thought he heard what sounded like a grown man running around the bathroom floor on all fours.

He thought it was nothing, until he kept hearing it again and again. He tried to shake it off but he kept on hearing it. He heard the tub getting hit and the sink a few times. The bottles of shampoo fell along with the soap.

Jake asked his friend Marco if he heard the noise he was hearing. To a chilling and unnerving response, Marco said no. Jake felt a bit unsettled by the response he heard. He tried to forget it and continued playing his games. The sound kept going on and Jake had enough.

He got put his controller down on the coffee table, got up and walked down the dark hallway to bathroom. Preparing for anything that would be there with each step he took. And if he was being honest, the hallway at night was creppy by itself as it is. There wasn't a light in hallway, which was kinda stupid. 'The house must've been poorly planned', he thought to himself.

When he opened the door to the bathroom, something impossible happened. It was so impossible, that if you were to tell someone, they wouldn't believe you.

The loud noise went to the kitchen then to his bedroom and then it stopped. There was a few minutes of silence until Jake could feel a presence, about an inch behind his shoulder.

Acting without hesitation, he elbowed whatever he thought was there, and screaming out of the top of his lungs, he ran back to the livingroom. The hallway got longer and longer as if it was stretched so he wouldn't escape. Jake ran faster and faster but he couldn't seem to move. His fear grew bigger as he kept repeating in his mind 'I don't wanna die I don't wanna die'.

He looked down as he was running and noticed he was finally moving forward. When he entered the room he bumped into Marco and fell on the floor.

Marco looked at Jake with a concerned and terrified look. He stared at a boy, whose face was paler than a vampire's and a heartbeat so fast, it sounded like a drummer playing his drums at an incredibly fast rate.

"Jake, what happened?! Are you alright?!".

Jake couldn't say anything. He tried to speak but words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He was petrified. He didn't know what that was, he didn't even want to know what that was . . . or what that could've been.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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