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Nick its almost 3pm. Get yo ass out of bed.

Who tf is Nick? Your boyfriend?

Shit no. Sorry. Same number wrong Area.

Oooo, can I have this Nick's number?

Are you like 12 or some because that's so childish.

No I'm 21 you stupid bastard.

Not a Bastard but ok.

Nick won't fucking answer or wake up.


Awww poor baby your boyfriend

won't wake up for you

Not my boyfriend I'm not gay. He's my bestfriend.

Oh wow.

Makes me want his number even more.

There is no way you're 21.

You're acting like a middle schooler.

I'm 21 so bite me!

You sound like my sister ew,

Your sister sounds better to talk to than you.

Imma try finding Nick as we're number buddies.


Bet you won't

Found him!

How he still hasn't answered me.

Only person who answered to Nick. Houston Texas.

Damn wtf he hasn't even answered me back.

Lol he likes me better.

No way we've been best friends for 9years.

He likes me better!

Now such it up pissbaby!

Ahahaha! Your best friend likes me better!

There he is. He likes me better now shut up!!

Sorry baby didn't mean to make you even prissier.

UGH- Stop saying I'm a prissy piss baby.

Never said that.

You were Implying it.

Maybe I was maybe I wasn't.

Omg.. Not Pog. So not Pog.

Wtf does Pog mean??

Cool, basically.

Wow. Why not just use the word Cool??

Don't know.

Ah- brb Katie made me food.

Awe is that your girlfriend.

Ew no! I'm straight she's my roommate.

Awwww,, sad.

Now shut up I'm hungry.


Real World

"Lillian cmon! Hurry up your foods gonna get cold!" Rushing out of your room dropping your phone on the couch as you made yourself a plate then sat down at the couches coffee table to eat as Katie turned on some stupid Minecraft Manhunt thing like she did every night. "Why this again?" you asked aggrivatedly. "Because I enjoy it." Sighing you picked up your phone three new messages from Not Gay Man. Slouching you unlocked your phone and stuffed your mouth full of noodles. Reading them.

Phone Messages

Nick said you seem nice.

After I told him you've been bullying me all day..


Poor little baby.

I'm not a baby.

You sure keep acting like one.

I'm not though!

I'm 21 just like you claim to be.

I am 21 I'm in college you dumbass.

Pog what you taking?

Astrophysics 101


You must be pretty smart then.

I hope I am..

Not Gay Man left on read for 3hrs

Fucking answer me!!

I'm bored you dumbass.

Stop leaving me on read.

Idfc what you're doing.

Answer me you darned piss baby.

Sorry miss chatterbox.

I was busy.

You need to give me a break.

Aaaaa- Katie just left to go to her Girlfriends I'm bored..

Hey what if you were to come over and hang out for a few hours?

How would I know if its safe.

You're a complete stranger.

Not complete. You've known me for 3days.

Yeah 3days nothing more.

But I want attention.

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