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When a girl likes a guy she acts well strange around them. The reason why is cause if she thinks it will be awkward if she straight out tells him she likes him then she will be embarrassed and all that. She starts asking herself questions like why haven't I talked to him. Why hasn't he talked to me. You know all that. Anyways when they finally speak its like fireworks. He's actually a pretty nice guy. In my personal life it was the sweetest guy with brown hair hazel eyes a gorgeous country accent and he was all skin and bones for a guy a quarter inch from six foot. He was sweet that's all that mattered. Back to what I was saying because you'll get to see what happened in mine soon enough. If they like him 99% of the time they won't go forward to him its just basic logic. I mean I don't see many guys that go up to their crush and tell her that well news flash neither do we :)

She might seem strange but every girl has their own way of flirting without trying to get noticed mine was the kinda smartelick weird version. But still give it time soon enough he will talk to you or you will talk to him/her whatever your case may be. When he starts flirting back unless your like really blonde as some people say (no judge I'm a blonde in general) then you'll notice it almost immediately if not about a week later. Just remember no one is an angel when it comes to this.

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