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The hardest part of a break up is getting over it and moving on. The heart wants what the heart wants but the mind can tell if you are worth it or not and if y'all break up and he still tells u he loves you and he misses you I guess that would be worth it but when they within a week give up all hope. That's when they realize that its not worth it. My first real heart break was the worst thing in the world my heart felt like it would stop beating all together and it hurt like crap seeing him and her together I mean she says they are friends but from the looks of it its more than that. When you see the man you love with someone else jealous or not you feel a bit of a break in your heart. Don't let this control you there's more to life than an idiot that couldn't see what they lost. They lost the sun while looking through the clouds. Don't let it hurt you cause its their loss.

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