Chapter Seven

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Jenny's POV.

     “When you asked me to come over to help you out with something, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Eleanor groaned as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.
I smiled sweetly acting innocent. “But just think, you’re doing something special for your future nieces." I winked.

She rolled her eyes and turned to replenish the paint on the brush.

I had finally decided to decorate the room Harry and I had designated to be the girls' bedroom/nursery. The first step to my plan was to actually paint the room, which meant asking and (kind of) telling Eleanor a white lie in order to get her to help me with my task. She was currently finishing up the final wall attempting to not get any paint on her newly bought outfit, this was partially my fault as I failed to mention what activity we would be doing when I invited her over.
    “Why isn’t your amazing boyfriend helping you do this?”
“You know how busy they are at the moment,and by the time he'd of gotten home he wouldn't have wanted to do it. Speaking of my boyfriend,he should be back soon.” I replied as I applied another coat of light pink paint to the wall,i wasn't sure if this was good for my health,inhaling paint fumes whilst pregnant with twins, it's not like i've done a lot of it.

We had been working steadily for about two hours despite Eleanor's complaining about how i should of asked Perrie or Danielle to come over instead, we were about two strokes away from completing the wall we were currently working on. Eleanor stroked the last coat of paint on the wall in a not so gentle manner then dropped the brush into the palette and lay on the floor pretending to fall asleep instantly.

   “Finally! The torture is over." she sighed.
I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a drama queen.”
She smiled as she opened her eyes. “But you love me.”
I couldn’t help but smile,There were times when I wanted to strangle Eleanor, but she was the best friend a girl could ask for. Whenever I needed her; she was there. “That I do. Thanks for the help El.”
Shrugging, she sat up. “It wasn’t that bad. It actually looks great,” she said as she looked around the room, we'd painted two walls baby pink and two walls hot pink.
   I nodded in agreement. “Ready to start on the next room?” I asked jokingly.
Eleanor groaned and lay back down on the floor. "Not funny."
"Sorry." I sighed sitting next to her on the floor just admiring the room.
Eleanor sat up and lent on her elbows. "So, are you nervous?"
"For the babies?" She nodded and i began to bite my bottom lip. "Some days i'm so excited i just want them here and i go online and shop for ridiculous things, some days i lay in bed crying because i don't know how i'm going to cope with not just one child but two, who will both need the same amount of attention from me 24/7."
    "But you've got me, always." She smiled holding my hand.
"Thanks El."
    "Not a problem,"

“Jenny? Babe? I’m home.”

For some reason i felt overly excited for Harry to be finally home,ever since our argument a few weeks ago, Harry and I had been in the 'honeymoon stage' of our relationship all over again. It was as if I found everything he did amusing and adorable, i'd find myself blushing whenever he caught me looking at him or whenever he complemented me.

    “Hey, beautiful,” he said, grinning as he saw me and holding open his arms.
I flushed slightly at the compliment and hugged him.“Hey.”

He squeezed me into a warm hug and I sighed happily, he then pulled back a little to lean down and touch his lips to mine, smiling into the kiss.

“I missed you,” I breathed happily when we pulled apart.
   “I missed you more,” He whispered as he lowered his head to kiss me again, but before his lips could connect with mine, we were interrupted by a loud cough and a series of 'ahems' coming from behind us. I craned my head to find Eleanor standing with her arms crossed looking awkward.
  “Really guys? Do you have to be so sickeningly adorable all the time?”
Harry laughed, but kept his arms around me. “Hey, El. How are you?”
The annoyance vanished from her face and she smiled slightly. “Well my love life is pretty similar to Jenny's. So i'm all good"

Harry smiled, He'd known Eleanor long before One Direction, they worked in the bakery together, it's weird how i grew up with Harry yet i never met Eleanor until One Direction. "I'm glad you and Louis are happy together." He replied.
Eleanor nodded in agreement. “Hmm, he is a fantastic kisser,the man can do wonders with his tongue and in bed-"
Harry cringed in disgust. “WOAH,NO,STOP,EW." He quickly shouted.

Eleanor giggled at how immature he was being and grabbed her bag and jacket. “Right,” she said, making her way towards the door, “I’m going to leave you lovebirds alone before i see anything i don't want to."

I waved goodbye before turning my attention back to Harry.He looked into my eyes before dropping his gaze to my lips and mumbling, “Where were we?” He gently captured my lips with his, smiling sweetly into the kiss as he pulled me closer.

He smiled softly at me. “How was your day, babe?” He walked over to the fridge to get some juice then poured two glasses out while i sat down at the kitchen counter.

“Eleanor and I painted the nursery,” I smiled brightly.
Harry smiled knowing i was proud of it. “That’s fantastic,” His eyes then narrowed in concern. “You really shouldn’t be exerting yourself so much though. You’re nearly eight months pregnant, babe, you need to be relaxing,watching films,eating what you like, not painting,climbing step ladders and inhaling fumes, you don't know if it's harmful.” He rubbed my belly gently.
   It was sweet that he cared so much, but if all I did was sit around all day, I would get bored out of mind.Work decided it was best for me to go on maternity leave when i was 7 months pregnant, so basically for the past 3 weeks all i've done is eat too much,and buy too many things for the girls. “It wasn’t that exerting. Besides, I made El do most of the work.”

He let out a laugh. “Aren’t you clever.”
I shrugged. “I’ve been told.”
He bit his lip as a wave of lust clouded his eyes. I froze as his hands slowly began to rub patterns into my back. “So you’re not tired?”
I shook my head, and shivered delicately as his hands gently traced up my body, grazing ever so slightly over my neck and shoulder blades, before coming to cup my face. His thumbs softly caressed my cheeks as his eyes twinkled with mischief. “Then you should be completely on board with the plans I have for us right now.”


Yay this story is back off hold! Been given loads of inspiration:) Might upload again tonight!! x

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