Chapter Five.

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Jenny's POV.

   "So Jenny, this is your 25th week check-up, any discomfort or concerns?" The midwife smiled.
"Not that i'm aware of," I replied. Harry squeezed my hand reassuringly, he knows i hate these things.
   "And how is the pregnancy going? Morning sickness? Lack of appetite? Cravings? Fatigue?" She asked writing on her clipboard.
"Bit of morning sickness here and there, and i guess i'm becoming more tired," I shrugged.
   "Well nothing out the ordinary, you will experience tiredness, and find yourself sleeping at weird times during the day, and your morning sickness should be stopping around now."
   "So all i'm going to do is do a quick scan of the baby, are you sure you don't want to know the sex?" She inquired.
"Erm, we wanted to talk to you about that actually," I started as i gestured between myself and Harry.  "We've changed our minds, we want to know the sex, only because we want to be able to buy things..and think about names." I smiled looking at Harry who smiled and kissed my hand.
   "Of course, that's understandable, i'm just going to apply this jelly, it may be a little cold."
  She rubbed the blue/grey jelly onto my tummy, she wasn't lying about it being cold either.
   "Okay, let's proceed and find out what you're having." She smiled.

We all sat in silence for about 30 seconds while she looked at the screen.

"Everything alright?" I asked craning my neck trying to get a glimpse of the screen.
   "Perfect,"She smiled joyously. "It seems that you have 2 beating hearts."
"Mine and the babies, right?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.
   "Oh..No, i mean, there are 2 heartbeats in your womb..You're having twins."
"..Come again?"
  "Twins, you're having two babies instead of one." She grinned.
     "Twins?" Harry asked.
   "Yes," She chuckled.
"Uh,okay." I smiled.
   "Aren't you happy?" She frowned.
"I'm happy,just shocked." I smiled wiping my stomach with the paper towels.
   "I'll leave you both to talk.. Just so you know; you're having twin girls," She smiled and then squirted sanitizer on her hands and left the room leaving myself and Harry in an odd silence,it was..airy.

   "So..twins." Harry stated.
"You're-you're happy right?" I asked looking at him, but he refused to meet my eyes.
   "I am happy, it's just.."
"Here we go." I mumbled.
   "That's a lot to handle."
"Should that matter?"
   "No,i'm just saying-"
"So what's the problem?" I interrupted.
   "There is no problem,just-"
"Obviously there is Harry if you're standing there looking like someone's died."
"Has the realisation that i'm going to have 2 children sunk into your head now? You're second guessing whether you really want this, aren't you?" I accused.
   "Don't put words in my mouth." He snapped. "I just think 2 babies are a lot to handle for you,"
"And what about you?" I scoffed.
   "I'm going to be with the boys,touring; recording."
"So you're not going to be there for me, is that what you're saying?"
   "No, i'm just saying i'm going to be busy and-"
"You don't want to have children because your busy?! I'm sorry that i'm such an inconvenience to you Harry, you know what i'm out of here," I stood up and grabbed my handbag. "I'll arrange for someone to get my things from the house."
Harry stood up suddenly alarmed. "From the house!? What are you talking about Jenny? You're taking this a little too far, i'm not asking you to move out,i love you,i want to be with you,"
"Exactly, you want to be with me, but you don't want the responsibility of two children; that's fine,i understand completely Harry,you're young,famous,rich; you don't want to settle down, especially with someone like me, so like i said i'll arrange someone to collect my things,then i'll move in with my parents until i find a place."
    "And what about us?" He asked quietly.
"'Us' Includes the babies,which you obviously don't want,so there is no 'us.'" I silently left the room and quickly called for Eleanor to pick me up from the hospital.

Maybe i am being dramatic,
  Maybe i am being unfair,
But i have 2 girls to protect now,not just 1.


ANOTHER COMPETITION: Guess the NAME of this song:

Swimming pool,glimmering darling
white bikini off with my red nail polish; watch me in the swimming pool bright blue ripples, you,sitting sipping on your black Cristal, yeah..

(I'll dedicate the next chapter to you if you do) :) x

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