Chapter 2: self-sabotage

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Part two: self-sabotage

One week prior

"Jungkook, your room looks like a bomb went off"

The loud sound of his sister's voice made the brunette who was currently hunched over his computer snap his head up, peering through his bangs to meet his sister's concerned gaze.

A low sigh left her cherry lips as she took in her brother's extremely confused expression. Her foot subconsciously tapped upon the floor a couple of times, the low sound going unnoticed by her brother.

She peered outside the large window that sat high up on her brother's wall, the bright autumn leaves could be seen blowing in the wind, swaying softly.

Her gaze spread to her brother's strange living conditions, his bed was, well, sort of made-if you could even call it that. It really looked like the brunette boy half haphazardly tossed some blankets across his mattress and called it a day.

"You know," Jungkook spoke, cutting off his sister's thoughts "You should really learn how to knock." He teased, a small smirk pulling at his lips as he shifted his gaze back to the computer in front of him.

The sarcastic comment from her brother earned a small scoff from the girl, "you know, you should really learn how to not stay holed up in your room all day." She snapped back, laughing a little at the comment that must have hit close to home for the 18-year-old, who looked at her with a scandalized expression.

"Well," He paused, adjusting the glasses that loosely sat upon the bridge of his nose. "That was very rude and disrespectful of you." he continued, scooting slightly in his chair to further face his sister, who had a smug look on her face.

A small string of laughter erupted between the two as they looked at each other. They had always been close, despite the age gap between the two, with Jungkook being 18, and his sister, Mia, being 22.

The brunette boy smiled as he thought back to his sister beating kids up at the playground after they called him four eyes, or about the one time she gave a kid that bullied him such a bad wedgie that they had to go to the school nurse. She's always been a very hot-headed person, to say the least...

The boy's gaze shot back up to meet his sisters, watching as she smiled brightly. "We should go out and get some lunch, a new pizza place opened up across the street! I've heard from some friends that it is really good!" She chirped, her pearly white teeth sparkling as she spoke.

Jungkook leaned back over to his computer, gazing at the sketchy shenanigans he was currently up to on the screen. His sister seemingly took notice of the strange look on her brother's face and decided to further investigate.

She took a few steps towards the messy desk her brother currently resided at, slightly flinching when Jungkook hurriedly grabbed the monitor and slammed it face down, the desk shook with the impact, and Jungkook cringed, hoping his monitor was not cracked.

Suddenly, his sister realized what had happened, and she was livid. Her well-shaped eyebrows creased together as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"You...Your not- do you know how much that can get you in trouble! Hacking into federal forums is not going to do anything good for you! What are you thinking!"

Jungkook looked up at his sister, sheepishly smiling, "well... it wasn't federal forums this time, it was, um...w-well...."

"What!" Mia yelled out, cutting Jungkook off, her patience running thin. Jungkook cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck as he looked down at his feet.

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