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The next day I get up and walk to school. But today, I wasn't carrying anyone's bag as there was no one to throw it at me at the front of the school. Maybe they're still at the nurse's office, Tsukishima beat them up bad, but they would be back in a day or two. Speaking of Tsuki, I didn't see him anywhere as I walk through the halls and, he obviously wasn't in my homeroom? The day went by peacefully without having to follow anyone around with their bags. It was now the end of the day, so I waited outside of the gym where we first met. After about 10 minutes all the students were gone, and Tsuki came out. "Hey, want to walk home again?" I say smiling brightly. "Sure," he replies calmly. I keep rambling about my day as he just listens. It's strange having someone you can actually talk to. " Tsuki! Do you want to go to the rooftop with me"? I ask. He again replies with a simple "sure," but I didn't mind. He doesn't seem like the most talkative person. Instead of going through my back door stairs like I usually would, I walked straight to the main stairs to avoid my rude mother. She would probably tease me for bringing a friend home for the first time, Alex never had am interest in going to my house. Once we get there we talk about our lives. Well mainly I talked, and he listened. He didn't seem to talk much, and I don't know much about him. But I am just glad to have a friend. He seems like the total opposite of me. Time flies by and we end up watching the sunset together. I really enjoy having this type of company. Soon, we wave each other, and he heads away from my house disappearing in the distance.

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