Part 5: Jack's Plan

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Hey guys I realize I haven't written in a while but I'll try and be better. I'm also trying a new writing style so bear with me.

Jack's POV

I will get back at him for taking my girl, and get my girl back no matter what it takes. "So I guess the third time I ask you the question you'll answer me Mr. Griffo?", Ms. Bailey said toward me. "Um sorry Ms. Bailey." She had a confused look on her face as she said, "Please see me after class Mr. Griffo.", "Uggghhh. . . I mean, um okay." The class started to whisper things and I guarantee it was about how I was acting. If you don't already know I'm known as the school bully, so most people don't see me as an apologizer.

*After Class*

Ms. Bailey let everyone leave before she called me over. "Yes Miss Bailey?" She sat down and had me sit in a desk in front of her. "What's going on, I've never seen you so. . . relaxed or . . . out of it." That's when I figured out my plan to get back Kuki, but I had to get out of class quick so I could get to her. "Well, um. . . I guess. . . I just. . . have a lot on my mind lately." She had a sympathetic look on her face and nodded. "Okay well, just pay attention in class and this won't happen any more.", "Okay, now if you'll excuse me I have to get to my next class." She wrote me a late slip and set me on my way. It was really hard not talking back to her or just ignoring her, but I have to keep it up to get back Kuki. I get to Kuki's locker to see her with that Wally guy, man did I want to punch him in the face right there. I walked up to her and tried to talk in the calmest voice I had. "Um Kuki. . . can I talk to you?" She turned to look at me and rolled her eyes.  "Maybe later, if you can't see I'm talking to my boyfriend." She spat out the word 'boyfriend' obviously to irritate me, but it wasn't going to get to me today. "Um okay, maybe later bye Kuki, Wally." I could hear footsteps behind me and then a hand on my shoulder. It was Wally and he had a sympathetic look on his face. "Hey man, whatever you did that caused her to be mad I'm not against you." I could feel my blood boil and my calmness faded away. "I don't care what you think of me, and I'm going to get Kuki back no matter what." He chuckled and pat me on the shoulder. "Sorry dude, but she found me, and I think we're gonna stay together for a while." I grabbed him by the collar and held him against a locker. I don't know what came over me, but something snapped and I couldn't take it any more. Kuki saw what happened and came running over screaming, "Jack, get off him!" She hung onto my arm trying to pry me off of him, but I wouldn't budge. My rage took over and I elbowed her in the face, she fell and I looked back at her realizing what I had done.

Wally's POV

When he elbowed her I couldn't take it anymore, I freed my arm enough to punch him right in the nose. While he held his nose I squirmed out of his grip and helped Kuki off the ground. "What is wrong with you dude?"
His face went soft and he held his hand out for Kuki, "Kuki I'm-", "Save it, I don't want to hear it." I helped her onto her feet and put her arm around my shoulder, "Come on, I'll take you to the nurse." I could see she was really mad at Jack for hitting her, I sure knew I was.

*Skip time 3 hours*

I made sure to walk Kuki to lunch seeing as she now has a swollen, black eye. "Here, you sit down and I'll go get your lunch. What do you want?" She looked at what they had and had this look on her face like she was thinking really hard. "I want tuna salad, orange juice, and some pickles." I nodded and kissed her cheek and headed for the lunch line. Plus I realized she's getting those weird cravings cause she use to hate pickles.

Kuki's POV

I thought it was so sweet of Walt to go get my lunch seeing as I've been so tired lately. I waited for Wally to come back when I thought I heard him sit down next to me, but it was Jack. "Hey Kuki can we talk?", he said obviously unaware of my attitude towards him. "No Jack leave me alone, I already told you I don't want to hear it."Just as I said that Wally came back with our food. "Hey dude come on I don't wanna start anything, so could you please just leave." I saw the look on Jack's face that he was pissed and I wasn't about to have either of us get hurt. I stood with Jack and made sure to stay in his face. "Jack if you don't leave us alone I'll tell the whole school some very secret details. Little pinkie size details.", I said holding up my pinkie. His face immediately went red and he whispered an okay leaving the table. Wally and I ate our lunch in peace and just enjoyed each other's company.

Jack's POV

Sometimes I can't believe Kuki, she's such a bitch sometimes. Now I really have to be on my best behavior so she's sees I'm past this whole cheating thing. It wasn't my fault Kuki came home early, I thought I had another hour. That's not important, what is is getting Kuki back and away from that Wally kid.

*After School*

I decided that the only way to get Kuki to believe I'm the one for her is to make it seem like Wally became the guy I was and that I've changed. I'm gonna have my sister pretend that she slept with him and that he didn't call her back cause girls get pissed over that for some reason. "Rebecca!" She always has her music blasted so you have to yell for her. "What do you want shithead!", "I need you to help me with something!" She pulls her headphones off and opens her door standing there with a smug look on her face. "Why in God's name would I help you?" I pull out a fifty and a paper with Wally's number on it. "Because you'd love to help your little brother." She has a questioning look then grabs the bill and the number. "Who's number is this and why do I need it?", "His name is Wally and I need you to pretend he slept with you and didn't call." She types the number into her phone and presses call. Now we wait.

Will Wally and Kuki break up?

Will Jack win back Kuki?

All questions will be answered in the next chapter.

Voting time:

Notebook – Team Kuki x Wally

Pencil – Team Kuki x Jack

Eraser – Neither

Hey guys sorry if the chapter was short but I'm gonna try and do better with updating this book. Thanks again and make sure to comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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