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If your name is, in fact, Karen, and you're actually nice, this song isn't directed towards you. 

However, if your name is Karen and you behave like one, or if your name isn't Karen and you behave like one, this song is just perfect for you! Read at the risk of being highly annoyed and offended. Also, it may cause the onset of your Karen-ness, which, in the case of that happening, everyone else better run and hide.

Again, just to put it out there, I wrote this song at roughly 12 am, my friend and I were extremely sleep deprived and tired, and we found everything funny. So on our behalf, I would like to apologise for the extreme cringe levels you may or may not (cringe is subjective) experience while reading the next chapter.

And finally, feel free to comment and vote and all that fun jazz. You're welcome to share my song if you're willing to give me credit (but let's be real, no one's going to read this).

ALSO, this technically isn't an ode, tbh idk what else to call it other than a song. I thought the name sounded dramatic and since that describes Karens perfectly, I thought the name was perfect too haha.

Enjoy the song y'all <33

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