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Finn held Taylor tightly in his arms as he and Rachel sit down in the doctors waiting room waiting for Taylors first check up and Finn was a "little" nervous for her especially for the shots I mean she will HATE them especially how large the needles are. "Finn,"Rachel tells him "You need to relax or she'll get wound up."
"O-Okay,"Finn stutters the worry is now starting to grow and Finn felt sick he always hated needles ever since he was little he always used to freak out and run out of the room or even faint. "Just sing her a song to keep her distracted,"Rachel said with a warm smile "she'll be fine." Finn takes a deep breath nodding "Right...Singing okay,"he tells himself and he looks down at his little girl occupied happily playing with Baby blanket that Finn brought her after discovering his Gee Gee and she named it Galalio which made Finn smile as she introduced Galalio to him Taylor was obviously the perfect name for her.
"Mr Hudson and Ms Berry?"A doctor asked walking into the waiting room. That was Finn started to shake still holding Taylor as they walk into the office.

"Princess if you make out of this alive I'll buy you whatever you want,"Finn tells Taylor putting her down on the counter holding her tiny little hands. "Finn she's going to be fine!"Rachel said for the tenth time today. "I know she is,"Finn said still looking at his little girl "because she's a champ my little champion." Taylor giggles and gave Finn a smile "Hehehehe am I really?"she asked. Finn kisses Taylor all over her face causing it to tickle so she laughs more and when she laughs Finn couldn't help but smile or laugh either "Yes you are you're my brave little Princess,"he said. The doctor soon prepared the needle and Finn started to panick slightly feeling sweat dribble down his forehead and his heart racing "Shes going to have 4 in total 2 in the arms 2 in the legs itll all be over in a few minutes." Finn's eyes widen "f-four!?"he stutters.
"Finn YOU'LL GET HER PANICKING!"Rachel said she walks over to them and neals down next to Finn facing Taylor "Look at Mommy and Daddy,"she said and Taylor nodded "Don't look sideways okay?"Rachel said holding one of her little hands and Finn and Rachel started to sing to distract Taylor.

"Just a small town girl living in a lonely world he took the midnight train going anywhere,"Finn sang. "Just a city boy born and raised in south Detroit he took the midnight train going anywhere,"Rachel joins in with Finn and the two carried on singing making Taylor smile even wider and Taylor even started to sing the chorus with them "Dont stop believing holding on that Feeling street light people Dont Stop believing -OW!"The first shot was done in Taylors right arm and it broke both Finn and Rachels heart as Taylor started to cry "Awww baby its okay,"Rachel said trying to calm Taylor down "Lets sing another one shall we?"she asked her. Taylor continued to cry and Finn and Rachel started to sing again as Finn wipes Taylors face from her tears "The seaweed is always greener from somebody elses lake,"Finn started and like before Rachel joined in "You dream about going up there but that is a big mistake." Taylors lips still trembled but somehow she still sang softly with them "Under the sea under the sea Darling its better down where its wetter take it from me at Shore-OWWWWW!"Taylor stopped singing and started to cry "It hurts,"she whimpers as her other arm had just been done. Finn picked Taylor up and hugged her close "Sssssh its okay,"he tells her "They're just mean shots,"he said in a funny voice but Taylor doesn't laugh she continued to cry "You've got two more to go okay?but Daddy's got you and I promise you'll be alright lets calm you down for abit yeah?"Finn asked her gently but this seemed to make Taylor worse,Finn sits Taylor down on his lap and started to sing Moana but get the words wrong on purpose "Ive been starring at the edge of the blue water for as long as I can remember never really knowing why..."
"That's wrong,"Taylor said innecontly wiping her tears "It is?"Finn asked gasoing slightly "What are the words then princess?"he asked Rachel couldn't help but smile watching both Taylor and Finn. Taylor started to sing quietly even though she was almost two Taylor had hever voice from Rachel and even though she only rembers chorus's of songs Finn just knew she was going to be talented. "See the light where the sky meets the sea it calls me but no one knows how far it goes..."Taylor see's the needle coming towards her legs so she starts to painck again "No no no no !"she wailed "NO!" This broke Finns heart but he kept a firm grip on Taylor as she had her last two injections only causing her to cry even more. "All done munchkin,"the Doctor said,Finn picks Taylor up amd hugs her tightly "awwwww its okay its okay cry it all out,"he said rubbing her back. Rachel walks over to Finn and Taylor holding her Galalio "Here you go,"she said,Taylor takes it and cuddles into her precious blanket "Thank you Mommy,"she said sniffling. Rachel wipes Taylors tears "You're welcome my little star now lets see that smile of yours." Taylor does a side grin like Finn's making Rachel laugh slightly "How about we go for Doughnuts?"Finn asked Taylor started to fully smile and hugs Finn tightly "I think that's a yes,"Rachel chuckles.

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