Working on Surviving

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She has little time to prepare she better use it wisely........

" Dear Journal, it's another day of madness.   Time to create some sort of make shift shelter! I've set up a small hammoke for me to sleep in, I will put some sort of roof over it so I don't get rained on. It sure is pretty here, but it doesn't mean I like it here...  I don't...  It's really hot and the air tastes of salt. Well good bye for now Journal."  She finished writing and put it in the crate and dragged the crate by her hammoke. She grabs a energy bar and eats it.  When she is done she takes a drink of water and grabs a rock that look farely sharp and goes to the edge of theforest and chops a small tree down. She begins to take off it's big leaves. She then collects some sticks and things and makes a doable  ((im not quite sure if doable is even a word XD ))   shack type thing she ties rope over sticks and other areas to make it a bit more sturdy. "  Well this will do for now..." She walks in the enterance with the crate and hammoke and set the hammoke on the ground with crate and takes the big leaves and set them on the ground to make as almost a rug. She did minor things to make it more safe and homely. She emptied the crate and flipped over so it was like a table and took the lid and set it by the crate and set all the food and water there. She set the journal and pen on the crate. She stepped out side and took a step outside and made to two lines on the sand. " two days..." She went back inside and layed the hammoke on the ground and lays on it and drifts away into a deep sleep where she was home working at her job where every thing was normal...

A/N ok sorry it was short i will release another chap today so look out !

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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