Leon x James

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Leon smiled as he heard Viviane brag about screwing team rocket over with her inteleon. He chuckled congratulating her with her success. Hop chuckled softly and looked at his cup noticing it was empty. Little did leon know team rocket was having their daily lunch there.

He called on a waiter that was assisting a table of two people female and male and two pokemon. She looked at him and nodded silently. Hop sat back down and waited for her to finish.

Leon noticed Hop laid back in his seat. He looked at the table the waiter he called over was assisting and noticed it was team rocket. He snarled lowly and softly as he didn't want to startle anyone. He thought they were upt o no good. Which villian would sit in a restaurant without getting spotted.

Leon noticed the lavander haired male staring at him with slight tint on his cheeks. He bit his lip looking away when he noticed Leon was looking back at him. He covered his face with his hand trying to hide his embarrassed face.

Leon actually smiled softly. He put his fist under his chin and continued to stare at the male. The male uncovered his face and looked back at Leon blushing slightly. 
His viridian Green lush eyes meeting the galars honey hazel warm ones. He swallowed and looked back at Jessie as she continued talking.

Leon smiled softly at the other males flusteredness. After Jessie stopped talking the meowth they had with them started talking as well but the galarians attention was on the lavander haired male. The males zoned out and shook his head looking at the galarian that looked at him with his honey eyes.

James saw the sparks in his eyes and his tinted pink cheeks faded slightly. He wasn't upset he was worried mareanie would get upset if he told her about him liking someone else. Leon just keep looking at him as if the color of their eyes were mixing together making them look at each other continually.

Leon put the top of his fist under his chin and looked at James with his dreamy eyes. James flustered up but didn't look away. Leon bit his lip slightly and decided to smile at him. His pearly whites showing and making James feel special.

He sort of was, the champion of galar noticed him and seemed to take interest in him. Not in a way like a trainer type of way, a love y pe of way. Leon winked at James and turned around to look at his brother who was talking about how he would love to beat Viviane in a fight again.

James set his chin down on the table flustered up. The waitress came over to them and set down two bowls filled with pokemon food and two cups with mocha coffee. Jessie thanked her and continued talking.

James stopped her int he middle of her sentence and said "the champion looked at me and winked at me, im so nervous now" Jessie looked shocked as well as meowth but instantly thought he was lying.

"There's no way a champion noticed you, your to scrawny to catch anyone's attention, plus he's way too out of your league, he's prominent you arent"

"I think deyed be kinda cute togeda, I mena think of as pokemon falling in lofe. James is a gengar, usually more prominent in ideas and stuff but bashful, so the ginger is bashful and Leon's a Clefable that's usually shy and hides away from people but leons prominent  but known to be shy when vulnerable. So a bashful gengar and brave Clefable would be cute togeda right?"

Jessie awed slightly at the thought of it and nodded. She said "if you two end up together make him help us get stronger."

"We won't get together! Even if we were close Id5have a very slim chance of getting to date him! So no! No getting together!"

Jessie groaned in disappointment while meowth shrugged and continued eating.

"Hey, lavander guy!" James heard, he instantly froze and shook his head. Jessie and meowth froze and looked at James with straight lined mouths.  James looked at Leon and said


"I was wondering if I could have your number, forward but I think your my type, so if you mind typing your number into my phone "

James nodded as Leon handed him his phone. James typed his number in and named himself "angy" without noticing the misspelling. He handed it back to Leon and smiled softly. Leon thanked him bidding goodbye and walking out with Hop and Viviane.

James smiled softly and instantly delfated from nervousness. With Leon he was looking at his phone chuckling at the name the male named himself. "Angy huh?" He said under his breath. The wind soothing him by flowing through his long messy hair. He wondered when they'd meet once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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