Chapter 13

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I close my eyes, and think back to the day mama died.

I was 13, it was a Thursday. I remember her saying to me the day prior, "You will stop this in time."

And I've thought about that for five years. First, I thought that I had been doing something wrong at the time. But, a year ago I finally understood what she meant. She was talking like this before too.

Papa and Mama met, when she was 18 and he was 19. The story was, papa was in the hospital he was almost dead, a public one. Someone tipped the police that he was there. The police were coming. Mama was his nurse, she hid him from the cops. Papa would always say that he pulled her into a trance with his charms. She would agree.

But months before her death, things were ominous. Mama would be gone days at a time. When ever she was home, all they would do was fight. I remember her coming down the stairs with bruises on her arms. I couldn't say anything, I had to forget it. That was still cowardice, I still am a coward.

She was there one day, then she wasn't. She would tell me, "Mijita, you were meant to fight, for good. Never, give in." I thought she was crazy, she was twelve.

I think back to the day of her funeral. Papa never cried. Papa never cried. I remember near the end, he grinned a little bit. I've buried that deep in my mind. If I said anything I would've ended up in a casket beside mama.

Papa. Killed. Mama.

He will pay for his injustices, Intime. He is my father, of course. But, I consider myself my father more than myself. That man just provided me with the necessities. I taught me everything.

Papa will pay. Papa will pay. Papa will pay.

I'll use his own poison against him. After all, one of the worst crimes against humanity is betrayal.


It's been a slow start. I'm excited to show more of Natalia and who she is. I hope you like it! Constructive criticism is very well wanted.

Have a good day...

Or night🤷‍♀️


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