Chapter Five

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I don't know what this means for me and Bre but I know being cuddled up kissing her made me feel so special. She held me all night long. I don't know where my mom is and she hadn't come home last night. She probably was stuck at work.

After laying up for a while I get up and decide to cook breakfast for us... Bre is still sleeping on the couch. Its really cute how she sleeps.

I head into the kitchen and start cooking. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and orange juice. That's my favorite breakfast that my grandma used to make back home in Indiana. Hopefully Bre isn't a picky eater.

I'm in the kitchen standing at the stove getting ready to flip the last pancake when Bre comes up behind me kissing on my neck wrapping her hands around my waist. I instantly cringe up almost dropping the spatula. I cut the stove off and motioned for Bre to go to the counter so I could fix her plate.

I don't know if I'll ever be as laid back as I am today but I hope I get days like this more often. Bre has been completely sweet the entire time she's been over here. I can't help but melt at the thought of us actually having something going on.

In the middle of us cuddling on the couch I hear my moms keys at the door. But by the time me and Bre get off of each other its kind of too late. My mom was standing at the door just looking at us.

"Um .. am I interrupting something?"

"Uhhh mom I can explain.. We were just laying down."

"No need to explain to me.. you're 18 years old. You're an adult. You can make your own choices. I'm not going to judge you."

I don't know if my mom feels guilty for never being home or really means it. Either way I'm glad she didn't flip the hell out over this. I think Bre is still a little nervous because she's given every excuse in the book to leave and go home. I really want her to stay. I want her to spend time with me some more. Hell I want her to spend the night and cuddle me some more. Ugh my mom just had to come home.

"Bre you don't have to leave."

"I been over here since yesterday, I'm gonna go home and shower. I'll be back later Syd."

"Well. Okay then."

She walked out the door and I instantly started missing her. My mom came downstairs and just stared at me.


"I never thought I'd see a day that you dated a girl."

"We're not dating. We're just friends."

"Sure. I'm wasn't born this morning Sydney."


I hate when she thinks she knows everything. She's wrong. Me and Bre aren't dating. I like her.... a little. But we're not dating.

I went upstairs to my room and flopped down my bed connecting my phone to the charger so that I could text Bre. Soon as my screen came back on I went straight to texting Bre.

"I'm sorry about my mom coming home. She really doesn't care. I hope you're not upset with me again. I really don't like that whole avoid me game you play."

"I'm not upset and I'm not avoiding you either. I just wanted to shower."

"Well okay... when are you coming back? I think my mom is about to leave again."

"Probably wont make it back until late tonight or in the morning. I'm about to go out for a while."

"Out with your friend....?"



After that I ignored every message Bre sent. I don't know why it bothered me so much that she had a lil friend. But then again I do know why.... I like Bre. I like Bre and I be damned if I share her. Ugh.... I'm nobody's second choice.

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