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The next day you wake up earlier than usual but instead of going back to sleep you get up and take a shower. When you get out you check your phone and go to sit on the bed when some light is reflected into your face, you look out the window and see- Ricky? He was shirtless walking out in his backyard and his torso was sparkling! You stand there transfixed, frozen in the moment, no clue what to do next. He walks out to the shed in his backyard and disappears, you're left there in shock 'why was Ricky sparkling?' You ask yourself, you check your phone and see you still have some time before school so you sit at your computer and research sparkling torsos (wtf is twilight). After about half an hour you can't find any reasonable explanation for a sparkling torso... except "no" you whisper to yourself "it can't be" just then the sparkling boy re-emerges from his shed sweating and sparkling in the sun, his muscles more gorgeous than ever,he sees you out of the corner of his eye and turns to look at you but you duck out of sight, a few long minutes later you peak out and see that he's gone. You curse at yourself, why are you afraid or Ricky seeing you? He's NOT a vampire, he can't be... you get ready for school and try not to think about Ricky but it's a lost cause, your mind wanders "is that why he's so pale?" "is he a vampire?""Who turned him?" "what if he tries to bite me?" You shake your head , Ricky would never try to bite you, right? You're distracted all morning and stay completely silent on the drive to school, "are you ok, honey?" Your mom asks "huh? Oh yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking about- uh my math homework " your mom looks suspicious "I think I got the third question wrong" your mom still doesn't seem convinced but her face softens "I'm sure it's fine honey" when you get to school you see Ricky waiting for you outside like he always does , you consider taking a side door but you know that would just raise suspicion so you try to act normal. You walk up, slap on your best fake smile and say "hey Ricky!" "hi y/n!" He grins back at you, ok so he hadn't seen you that morning, "what's up?" You ask him, "he looks at you as if he's trying to solve a puzzle, he finally replies "nothing much... big red finally landed his kick flip" good for him" you respond relieved that he hadn't pushed for answers but a bit amused that after all these years Big Red had only just landed a kick flip. In class you can't stop thinking about your... vampire problem, Ricky did seemingly avoid the sun at all costs and you'd never seen him eat but he had parents, you'd met them he couldn't be hundreds of years old and you guys had a little flirty thing going, maybe he didn't feel the same way you did but he definitely cares about you and vampires don't do that but he was ridiculously pale, "ms. Y/Ln!" You hear Mr. Mazarra shout "um yeah?" You say "class is over" he says sternly "right" you get up and leave. You rush to your next class but Ricky stops you in the hall "y/n we're gonna be late" he says but he clearly doesn't care "yeah let's go" you say hoping to avoid further conversation he looks hurt but follows you to class. You spend lunch 'studying for a test' but you really just want to avoid Ricky, but he catches you walking back from the library "hey Y/N!" He starts, "sorry Ricky, I really got to get to class" you cut him off. "Oh ok?" He he says uncertainty. He walks away on the other direction and you see him throw his lunch in the trash. After he's out of site you check the bowl and notice that the 'soup' left a red residue, you sniff it and nearly throw up, it smelled like... blood.
After school you try to rush out before Ricky can talk to you, but he stops you at the door "what's going on y/n?" He asks rage in his eyes "what do you-" "don't start with that crap, y/n! What's going on why are you avoiding me?" You inhale deeply and gaze out the window at the sunny day, the sun rays elegantly fall on the trees outside which was unusual in November just then you get an idea "ok Ricky, if you wanna know what's going on? Let's talk outside" his face falls " oh come on Bowen, Follow me" you say and squeeze past him and out into the burning sun. He looks at you through the window mortified, he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out and in that moment you KNOW Ricky Bowen is a vampire.

Vampires at East High (Rickxreader edwardxreader)Where stories live. Discover now