A birthday surprise

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John stirred awake and opened his blood red eyes, he sat up in his bed and yawned. He looked around and saw a present at the foot of his bed, John got out of bed and picked the present up. the present had a card attached to it, the card was from his dad.

"Hello John, Happy 18th birthday! I am so proud of you, son. I am so sorry that me and your mother could not be there for your 18th birthday, but this present should reach you in time, happy birthday son."

John smiled at the card and opened up the box to find a silver switchblade with the name John engraved into the handle. John Popped the blade open and looked at the silver switchblade for a minute before smiling and placing the knife into his pocket, John was not the kind of person to be interested in knives and things like that but he truly cherished the gift since it was from his father. John lived with his older brother Mark, Mark had taken care of John since he was 14, their parents worked a lot so Mark took care of John a lot. Currently their parents were in Canada.

John got changed into a black shirt and Jeans before heading downstairs and grabbing an apple, John looked outside and saw it was foggy. John smiled since he liked it when it was foggy, the reason he liked it was because it was not raining but it was also not sunny. John took a bite of his apple and felt his phone go off so he pulled out his phone and saw he had a notification from his ex-girlfriend, Sally. John nearly threw his phone at the wall when he saw the text but he took a deep breath and resisted the urge to break his phone and read the message.

"Hey John, I need to pick up a few things from your house" John looked at the message and sighed deeply before texting back "Alright, I'll put your things in a box" He sent the message and walked upstairs to his room. He opened up his closet and grabbed a few things Sally had left at his house for nearly 2 months, he put the items in a box and sighed deeply. Sally and John used to go out but 2 months ago John broke up with her because she had been cheating on him with another guy, John put Sally's things in a box and took a deep breath.

John heard something in the distance, it was howl which confused John, wolves were not common in his area. He stood up and walked downstairs and heard the howl once more, he opened up the door and walked outside into the fog, the fog limited his field of vision but he was able to see properly enough to make out the shape of someone. "Hey, Did you hear those howls?" John asked the stranger who turned in his direction and began to run into the woods, John was not sure why but he chased after the person "Hey! wait up!" John yelled out as he entered the foggy and dense woods. John ran for a while before tripping on a rock and falling to the floor with a loud Thud.

John groaned in pain and tried to stand up but felt a shock of pain through his body, he looked down to see his hands were bleeding. John pushed through the pain and stood up, he needed to get home and clean his wounds quickly, but before he began to leave he heard some growling behind him, John turned around to see 2 large wolves behind him. The wolves growled loudly as John shivered in place, he was understandably scared, both wolves were around his height which was around 6 foot. John wanted to run but he was most likely gonna get caught and torn to shreds by the large animals, but if he stayed he was a dead man.

John took a deep breath and slowly backed up, he reached into his pocket to call the cops but realized he dropped it when he fell and now it was near the wolves. John reached into his other pocket and felt the silver knife but he was not going to kill two human sized apex predators, John decided to risk it and ran through the woods. He heard the animals howl as they began to chase after him, John did his best to outrun the animals but he tripped on a root and fell down a small hill, falling into a small lake. John heard the animals growl and howl as they surrounded him and bared their fangs, he looked over to his left and saw the knife that fell out of his pocket, so he grabbed it and popped open the blade when he was jumped by one of the wolves. It tackled him to the ground causing John to swing at the animal, the blade cut a large gash across its face causing the wolf to cry out in pain.

He was soon tackled by the second wolf and fell into the water, the wolf proceeded to push John's head into the water in what seemed like an attempt to drown him, John jammed the knife into the Giant animal's paw, forcing the animal to recoil and let him go. John gasped for air and began to run but fell to the floor and tried to catch his breath, he heard the wolves running over to him but they stopped when John heard a voice "That is enough! Leave him alone" The female voice said as John looked up to see who it was but he simply passed out due to the pain and exhaustion from running from the large animals.

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