A Strange Girl

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John opened his eyes and groaned in pain, he looked around and realized he was in what seemed to be in some sort of medical room. He sat up and looked at his hands which were bandaged, John looked around and tried to remember what happened, the last thing he remembers is running away from some large wolves and then his memory becomes fuzzy after that. John sat there for a minute before he realized he heard some people talking, he looked over at the door and figured that this place had thin walls, the voices were a bit muffled but it was clear enough for John to hear them "What have I told you two about attacking humans?!" The female voice said in a angry tone. "B-but Ma'am, we thought he was a vampire, he has those red eyes and he was carrying silver!" The male voice said. "The medic already confirmed that he was Not a vampire, he is just a regular human" The female voice said "Get the hell out of my face, I will deal with both of you later" The female voice said with authority in her voice.

John was extremely confused but he heard the doorknob rattle a minute before opening and someone walking in, It was a girl. She had golden blonde hair and shining blue eyes, her skin was a bit pale as well, she walked up to John and sat at the foot of his bed and looked at him "Good to see you are awake, John" The girl said as she took his hand and checked the wound. John was extremely confused, how did she know his name? He had never met this girl in his life "H-how do you know my name? And where am I?" John asked as the girl with confusion and concern in his voice, the girl looked up at him and reached into her pocket. She pulled out something wrapped in a cloth and placed it near him, John reached over, grabbed the object and unwrapped it to find his silver knife, covered in dry blood "What happened? Who are you? You still haven't told me where I am?" John asked, now extremely concerned. "Calm down, My name is Iris and you passed out 3 days ago, we found your knife with what we assume is your name on it" Iris explained.

John stared at her for a minute, processing the information "3 days...Mark!" John yelled as he instantly got to his feet and pocketed his knife, he ran over to the door "Wait, where are you going?" Iris asked as she stood up "My brother! Mark is gonna be worried sick about where I am, he needs to know I am okay!" John said as he ran out the door and ran down the hallway of the place. "John, Wait!" Iris called out as she chased after him, John ignored her and kept running down the hallway until he crashed into someone, knocking John to the floor. John looked up to see it was a guy with short black hair, hazel eyes, and a noticeable large cut across his face. He looked at John for a moment before growing angry, grabbing John by the shirt and slamming him into a wall "You!" the man yelled as he gripped John's throat violently "You messed up my face!" the man yelled as John struggled to breathe.

"Mason! that is enough! let him go now" Iris said in an angry tone of voice, Mason looked at Iris for a moment before letting John go and stomping away. Iris sighed as she helped John to his feet "Thank you for that, thank you for everything but I need to leave, my brother is going to be worried sick about me" John said as he turned around. Iris stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry but you cannot leave" Iris said as John looked confused and chuckled nervously "Haha, Funny joke but I need to leave" John said but Iris's grip was firm and strong "Look, due to certain circumstances you cannot leave" Iris said in a firmer tone of voice. John felt a wave of terror go down his spine as he pulled away from her, he took a few steps back "Look, I-if this is some secret I-i won't tell anyone!" John said as Iris sighed "I know it is a lot to ask but you will need to stay here, for your own safety" Iris said as she looked over to another person and called him over, he had short, curly black hair and brown eyes "Jake, please escort John to a room" Iris said as Jake nodded and led John to a room for him to stay in.

John and Jake walked for a while "Are you guys gonna sacrifice me to some made up death god?" John asked in a slightly sarcastic voice, he was joking but also a bit serious because he was still terrified. Jake chuckled a bit and shook his head "No, The alpha simply wants to make sure you are okay, she can seem strict and a bit mean sometimes but she is really kind" Jake explained as they reached a room. John walked into the room as Jake waved him goodbye. John was left alone in the room so he sat on the bed and took a moment to collect his thoughts. Back in the house, Iris sat in her office dealing with some work, she was so consumed in her work that she did not notice Allison and Harvey walk in "Ma'am, are you alright?" Harvey asked as Iris looked up and sighed deeply "No, I'm stressed, Harvey! First I need to deal with my own pack attacking humans, second I need to deal with John and finally we need to deal with the vampires we share the forest with!" Iris said as she crushed her pencil to splinters.

Iris sighed deeply as she stood up and apologized to Harvey "Sorry, I am just on edge and you both know why" Iris said with a slight red blush on her cheeks "Are you sure it is him?" Allison asked in a curious tone. Iris sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "Yes, you know how this works, he is the one" Iris told Allison. Both Harvey and Allison are important to the pack since Allison was the Beta werewolf and Harvey was the Delta. Deltas train for the beta position so Harvey hangs out with Allison most of the time "Anyways, how is John?" Iris asked since she needed a break from her work "Jake already led him to Connor's old room" Harvey said as he sighed deeply. "Harvey, I know Connor was your best friend-" Harvey cut Allison off "Connor was like my brother, Why do we still put up with those annoying Bloodsuckers!" Allison was about to scold Harvey since he was overstepping but Iris stopped her "The reason we put up with them is because it ensures the safety of the pack, as long as we both respect each other's business there will be no more casualties" Iris explained. Harvey and Allison both stayed silent as Iris took a deep breath "I'm gonna go visit John" Iris said as she stepped out of her office and walked towards John's room.

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