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Adelaide Kane as Lyarra Snow
(The Queen/The Dragon Wolf)

Adelaide Kane as Lyarra Snow (The Queen/The Dragon Wolf)

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"Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury."

"A part of me always knew I was different. It's been there, under my skin, itching to get out."

"Snow! Targaryen! I don't care what my name is!"

"Those who come for my family will die screaming. I promise you that."

"Are you with me?"

Kit Harington as Jon Snow
(The Bastard Twin Brother/The White Wolf)

Kit Harington as Jon Snow(The Bastard Twin Brother/The White Wolf)

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"I don't care what others say. You are my sister."

"He loves you. You know it. I know it. You can't fight it."

"If you dare touch her again, I will kill you!"

"I was not afraid to die. Not if it meant you would live."

"I will fight beside you Lya. Until my dying breath, I will fight."

Richard Madden as Robb Stark
(The Love/The Young Wolf)

Richard Madden as Robb Stark(The Love/The Young Wolf)

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"You've always been a Stark, regardless of your name."

"I cannot lose you. I won't go through that again."

"I am yours. From this day, until my last day. And even beyond that. I am yours."

"Royalty suits you, Queen Lya."

"The North is behind you. Until the bitter, bloody end."

Game of Thrones Characters

(Others to be named and/or cast later)

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