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In the dead of the night, the world was quiet. The air was still, making it all to easy to hear the thundering stride of two magnificent horses as they barreled down the King's Road. Atop the mighty beasts, two young men, clinging tightly to two identical looking bundles. In each of their arms, lays a child, a baby, cuddled close to stay warm. As they raced home, the men wondered how everything went so wrong. They questioned how they lost everything, in such a short time. Their older brother. Their sweet sister. Both dead. The only legacies they left behind, were sleeping peacefully in their uncles' arms. The youngest brother followed dutifully behind his older, and sadly now only brother.

Promise me, Ned.

The words whispered into the wind. The pleading words of a dying mother. The words echoed in the mind of the eldest. The sight of his dying sister still fresh behind his eyes. The scent of blood remained, long after being washed away. As the man looked down, into the face of the babe he cradled close, he prayed. Prayed to the Old Gods, and the New. He prayed to anyone who would listen. He prayed to make it home, safely. To make it home with no interruptions, no delays.

Promise me, Ned.

As time passed, and the dark night seemed to fade from view as the sun broke upon the horizon, the men could see it. Home. Winterfell. The dark walls in the distance were a beacon, they had done it. Slowing their horses down, the two men looked towards each other.

"What will we do brother?" the youngest called out.

"We will do nothing," responded the eldest.

"Ned, she's their daughter-" he began.

"No, Benjen! I swore to Lyanna I would protect her daughter. And I will. As will you little brother." Ned's voice left no room for argument.

With a sharp glare Benjen spat, "I would never allow anyone to harm Lyanna's child! You know that brother. But something must be done! How will we protect her?"

"We must swear to never speak of this day. As far as Westeros is concerned, she in Brandon's child, along side Jon." He responded, there was no other option.

"You would condemn her to the life of a bastard?!" Benjen cried out.

Promise me, Ned.

Ned looked to his brother resolute, "If it meant she would be safe, I would. She will have Jon; they will be siblings. Twins. And nobody will ever know the truth. Not until the time is right."

Shaking his head in frustration, Benjen retorted, "I hope you know what you are doing Ned."

As the two men approached the entrance to their beloved home, Ned could only respond softly, "As do I."

Promise me, Ned.

On that day, he swore an oath. He would protect his niece. From a world that would see her killed, he would protect her. On that day, the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, became a bastard. A Snow. The heir to the Iron Throne was hidden away. Safe. For now. But destiny is a funny thing. It finds a way of coming to pass. And the Targaryen child's destiny was written long before her birth. A song written in a time of dragons and magic. A song of Ice and Fire. The story of the Dragon Wolf Queen, Lyarra Snow.

Promise me, Ned.


Well here we go!!!! It has begun!!! 😱😱😱 please don't criticize too hard!! This is my first time writing something like this. A story, not in social form! So be gentle!!!

Who's excited?!?! I know I am!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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