Chapter 6

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Regina lied motionless in his arms, the kiss didn't work, she didn't feel the same way about him as he did her. Tho he didn't blame her for it after all he was a thief and an outlaw. She was a queen, no queen would fall for an outlaw. He failed, he couldn't save her. There was nothing left, he did everything he could. His mind was racing, he had miljon thoughts going through his head in one second it was too much for him, he felt the need to run, but he couldn't leave her like this. It had only been seconds after the kiss but to him it felt like hours. He was brought back from his thoughts by a rainbow like light that came from Regina as her eyes slowly opened. Her warm chocolate brown eyes were covered in tears wanting to fall. He was confused at first, did it work after all. She looked confused at first but when she noticed him she turned happy , she wore one of her sweetest and happiest smiles as she smiled at him. His face broke into a smile too, seeing her beautiful smile made him smile. Sadly that moment didn't last for long, as the happy sparkle in Reginas eyes changed, her eyes were now filled with pain. She let out a crunt of pain and hunched over in pain, holding her lower abdomen. Robin stared in horor as the former evil queen hunched over in pain.

- Whats wrong? He asked trying to help the queen. He didn't get an answer she only whimpered of pain in response.

Reginas breath was caught in her throat as she tried to deal with the pain, while trying to stop her tears from falling. Robin pulled her into a hug, much to his surprise she didn't protest, but wrapped her arms around his chest and under his arms around his back. She buried her face into his shoulder as the hot tears streamed down her face. As the pain grew worse she let out a muffled scream and her nails dug into his back as she crapped a hand full of the back of his shirt. He flinched, but didn't pull away. She was shaking, her breaths were shallow, he could feel her muffled cries on his shoulder. He rubbed soothing circles on her back, wishing her pain would go away. He held her in his arms until she stopped shaking. Her sobs and cries quieted down, her grip on his shirt loosened, her breathing slowed down as her body went limp. Her hands slowly lost their grip around him, her head was pressed against his shoulder. At first he thought shed just died in his arms, but he soon noticed she was still breathing, she must have fallen asleep. He watched her peaceful sleeping form, why would people call her evil, she was just broken by life, people calling her evil didn't help with the pain, it only made it worse. People calling  her a monster are the real monsters, they molded her into that monster. But he would never call her a monster or evil because the woman sleeping in his arms was the furthest thing from evil or a monster. He realized he was tired and needed to sleep. There must be a bedroom somewhere in this huge castle, he would take her there, surely she would rather sleep on a bed than in his arms. He easily picked up her small form and started walking back into the castle.

He walked around the castles long hallways until he came across two tall wooden oak-doors. He pushed one of the doors with his foot. The tall door didn't make a sound as it opened to revile a huge room, in the middle of the room was a king sized, fourposter bed. The bed was made out of dark-oak, fourposters were carved with an insane amount of details. The beds bed-sheets were red and gold. He took her over to the bed and lied her down on it, he moved the sheets on her and tucked her in. He then went over to the big dark-oak closet and opened it. The closet was mostly empty apart from few folded bed-sheets, he took them, but as he opened them he realized the white sheets were stained with blood. He opened another pair of sheets they were also covered in stained blood, they were all covered in blood. It made him feel uneasy, why did the queen have blood stained sheets. He stuffed the sheets back into the closet, he didn't want to look at them. He noticed a planket on the top shelf, it was old but it wasn't covered in blood. He took the planket and lied it on the floor, he took one of the pillows on the bed and placed it on the planket, he then lied him self down on it and soon drifted off to sleep.

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