A perfect imposter run stolen by TBVG and Laff

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I'm gonna change up how I write for this Oneshot also, I'm not going to name the chapters Oneshot #?. This was requested by @DarkWo1f8 so here you go!
Tw: Mention of death and weapons and actual murder and death-

TBVG: hey Laff, come with me for a second please!

Laff: Oh, yeah sure mate!

Laff whispers to TBVG: What's the plan

TBVG whispers back to Laff: We should stick together and preform a double kill, and if one of them suspects us we could say "Oh no, he did scan or something like that, the reason we should stick together is so we can easily get double kills and escape, at some points we should split up and gain others trust then meet back together.

Laff whispered: Good plan mate!

Just then Joocie and Muffin walked in and so the two imposters killed them and vented off.

!Dead body reported!

Dino had reported Muffin and Joocie's body

Dino (in a small panic): I-I never saw who it was b-but I sus Nadwe! He was just with Muffin and Joocie but TBVG and Laff were also they're but they could've walked away...

Nadwe (in a VERY loud voice): I could have walked away too!

Dino: I Dunno man you just sus-

  Nadwe was not an imposter
                                            2 imposter remains...

The group voted out Dino

Dino was not an imposter
2 imposters remain...

Leaving the cremates off with a bad start

Only, Socks, Meme, Blaza, TBH, Laff and TBVG and two voted out...

Laff then killed TBH and everyone voted out Meme so they ended up pulling a perfect imposter round!

I may write one shots like this and not stories. Also I hoped you all enjoyed this!

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