Chap 1.

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There he was standing on the side of my bed with a bottle of wine and my favorite cookies . I wouldn't know what to say if they asked me to describe him , he's so attentive yet so forgetful . I had just found out my boyfriend cheated on me , how embarrassing. He held my hand and kissed my left cheek ,  he was wearing my favorite cologne , it reminded me of our first kiss he knew that .  I hear the front door of my house open  , fuck my moms home . I had to sneak him out my window . It was our first day of senior year, me and him were in different social groups , I hated his friends he hated mine .  He had sent me a text saying he needed to ask me something so I met him in the library during lunch time . He walked in and we locked eyes , I love when we do that . He approached me and held my hand " hey you , let's give us another chance , be mine ? " I laughed . " your joking ? huh " he gave me a smile , I then pushed my lips against his god I missed him .

Him and I Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ