Chap 2 .

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It was fifth period the bell rung and I gave him a goodbye kiss , I walked along with my friend group and he with his . " he asked me out" I turned around to my best friend he looked shocked , surprised ,excited . He hugged me and told me to be careful , he cheated on his past girlfriend I remembered . I couldn't tell my other friends yet , they all disliked him , but I had to . His best friend hugged me and told me she was happy for us , yet we all knew she was crazy about him , well except for him . Seeing them together made me nauseous, she's so pretty .
A week later ....
I went to pick up my brother from school , when I see two or the most self centered guys I know walk towards me
"how do you feel ?"
"Feel ? about ?" I asked .
"your boyfriend being besties with the girl he fucked"
I could still hear there laughs a street away. Embarrassing. I called two of my closest friends .
"So ? what did she say ? Is it true ?
"It is . I am so sorr-"
I hung up .

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